Are you aware EVERYTHING is a psyop?
Anon read the posts, and concluded baker is not a shill, but the attacks on baker, coupled with outrage over non-sauced COMMENTARY/OPINION is very shilly.
is this the shill's latest best?
push vax bullshit and then cry foul as if anything other than the source (you) is shilling?
that's a good one.
you know what gives you degenerate shills away every time?
it's the pattern of always trying to flip the burden of proof away from yourself and demand 'disproof' and demand information from others.
try again
Lack of sauce and repeated demands to flip burden of proof away from yourself and onto ANY Anon who calls your BS out.
100% proof positive shill.
>my favorite
is when you shill without saiue then waaaaaaah and demand Anons provide you and satisfy you with information where you're the judge, prosecutor and jury.
>try red text
More projection. you literally just typed red text then pre-emptively smeared Anons as guilty of what you just did yourself.
Guaranteed, 100%, unequivocally you're the very shill you're falsely claiming to 'see' outside your own warped head.
>You can note that they can't add any contextual information in their posts, they can only speak condescendingly in general terms because they aren't able to comprehensively analyze
You literally just described your own behavior on this board.