>maniacal laughter
with dog memessss
My memes don't incite violence you fucking retard leave me fuck alone or I'm done
>doubt doge incites violence.
A non serious picture of a dog wearing a plate carrier with literally redacted text is 'inciting violence' but this gif is perfectly kosher.
And I aologize for trying literally organize a counter offensive last night, not posting memes.
BO is tripping
>ur a nutjob.
Possibly, but I'm not inciting anything bit keks, and butthurt
Hey anon I know that's just a meme but you should be careful, it looks violent
bro so much gay shit just happened in the past week I thought we were finishing up with pride month, but no
So fucking literally gay. I'm 100% supporting black history and might even stop calling black people the N word after this
>I will still use it daily in the context of being a gamer and bullying glowies, though
please delete this image as it is violent, repulsive, and I feel threatened by the CRINGE
I want to design an electromagnetic field generator and propulsion device which interfaces with an OBD2 plug
But I'm stuck here shitposting with you fags
If reincarnation is real I'm 100% certain I have not been to this planet since the last tea party and I've gotta say
This one is gonna be wayyyyyy gayer
>Anons, I present to you evidence that current baker is a shill infiltrator.
That's not possible, I'm the only shill who bakes here and I'm not even clocked in.
>depends how many shills you have to feed
Just one but sometimes I sexually identify as a pregnant woman carrying triplets
So up to 4
>you know what gives you degenerate shills away every time?
my favorite is when they refuse to answer simple questions which would topple their low-level psyops
and then proceed to call us the shills
try red text, it will be more convincing
>Can a judge obstruct justice and be an accessory to a crime he refuses to allow evidence of in "his" court?
Listen dude, you're never gonna be as good a shill as I am
Just accept it, and get on with your life.
I suggest going back to whichever platform you started shilling on.
The pay won't be as good, but you won't cry as much, meaning you won't be as dehydrated, eventually saving you shekels on water in the long run.
Good luck!
Look buddy you can either spend the rest of your life as the PC police removing all the 'violent' memes
>literally fucking cartoon jokes depicting animals in my case
Or you can give it a fucking rest.
No one is shutting us down.
Save your dang energy.