This truly breaks my heart. It appears President Trump still does not have the information that there are scripts proven to have run in the machines across America. Why?
Please someone tell President Trump, that these machines have scripts and We have the proof.
Why does President Trump not know that we have the proof?
These are Selections. Not Elections. Turn off the Gaslights please.
This is a Fools Run to believe We can out ballot harvest Our way out of the Maladministration that has taken place across Our country.
If we give the traitors the ballots early, it's giving the traitors ammunition.
Why is President Trump doing this? Why is Kari Lake doing this? Or Scott Pressler and the rest of them that are talking like this is going to work.
We lose chain of custody. Why give up Our ballot at all?
We need to gather ballots and do a hand count in person on Election Day. That is the message.
Get the community involved at the Precinct Level now.
And file Help America Vote Act Mal Administration Complaints with our Secretary of States.
Who are his advisors? Hey @JackPosobiec would you get him this report please?
Are we just supposed to Gaslight Our way out of the Truth?
If We use the machines to count the votes and there is no Justice between now and then, the Traitors will use the scripts again and the Traitors will win.
These systems are not secure. Period.
#ElectionProtection should be Our main focus and getting back to hand counts now.
The Cast Vote Records Data is as accurate as watching it on video. The Data comes from the Counties.
You can duplicate the results time and time again.
There are scripts being run in the machines and we saw them on video swapping the memory cards in #MaricopaCounty
What more is it going to take for the People to understand We can never use these machines again or We will lose Our country for generations to come?
These human and financial resources should be going toward making hand counts a reality in 2024.
Filing HAVA Complaints is a good way to start the ball rolling and getting the maladministration Administrative Hearings started.
Hand Counts can be done LEGALLY with Help America Vote Act in Federal Elections right now.
We can do this, but not by ballot harvesting. There is no way to out vote the scripts within the machines.
The scripts will Select the winners no matter how many ballots We harvest according to the Cast Vote Records provided by Counties across America.
Watch and Read the Fingerprints of Fraud Report by Mr. Jeffrey O'Donnell. @FSociety_1942
Please share this valuable information.
#WeHaveTheProof #FingerprintsofFraud
#ElectionProtection #HAVA
2:08 PM · May 30, 2023