Hey guise! Guise!!After ALL this time of telling us that we do not know our enemy, Napoleon the loserferian, and smartest one here, FINALLY told us who the enemy is! The enemy is exactly whom we thought it was all along! We DID know! But Napoleon kept saying we didn't know because he's the smartest one here because he reads books written by other disconnected pos who base their reality on a false premise by denying God the Almighty and therefore their logic is completely distorted, but hey … they don't care. As long as it's not the truth, they'll read it. We are winning, guise! The enemy is exactly whom we thought it was, and here, Napoleon was treating us like we were the only ones in the world who didn't know what was going on.
>>18925756 me
What a relief! Thank God that Napoleon was here to tell us or we would have just known it all along on our own.
Hi IQ poast.
Damn … ruined it with hollywood producer and screenwriter.
Father died from the bioweapon injection. Not sure this shit is really a movie.
I found the problem and the solution:
Do it again, except address your concerns and fear to God and not Q. Your faith is misplaced or non existent altogether based on what you see with your eyes. We don't walk by sight, we walk by faith. Believe it BEFORE you see it.
Very well. That is all.
I believe we are eternal too and as soon as he croaked, my life ackchyually began to turn around. I feel like he crossed over and became my angel and got to work, kek.
God Bless you too, fren.
I agree. Hope your father is doing better even though I guess once they take the injection they're fuct unless they take NAC/Quercetin/Nattokinase, etc … to slow the damage. The problem is getting them to see they need it bc the vaccine is bad, m'kay.
The sound it makes when it falls, kmfao.
>I can't believe someone would do this to us.
They're ALWAYS the victim. Any twatterfag wanna remind aoc of its burner acct?
Notable unless already in notes.