> >>18924935 (pb) What does the 144,000 in the Bible mean?
Anon studies Robert Breaker's sermons.
He has mentioned Jehovah's Witnesses, and their "all 144,000 of us will become those mentioned in the Bible."
Then, their group grew to be more than 144,000 members.
Anon's current understanding of who they are: the male children murdered by King Herod, in his attempt to get at Jesus Christ as an infant. 12,000 babies each, from each of the 12 tribes; 12 x 12,000 = 144,000. (Also 9 x 16 = 144; 12 is 3 x 4, so "12 x 12" is "3 x 4 x 3 x4" so can rearrange to "3 x 3 x 4 x 4" then combine first and last pairs to get to "9 x 16".)
Revelation says they're virgins. Whereas, many of the Jehovah's Witnesses are married. Another oops…
At one point someone told anon they thought anon was one of the 144,000. That was a nice thought. Later information showed anon that this cannot be the case. Be careful of "flattering words"! (Not that the person necessarily had bad intentions; just, be careful how we interpret, and I guess that leads back to "discernment".)
God bless in Jesus name.