after a curious bit of time traveling.
film called 'mile 22' on netflix
notes describing positions around the cyrcle.
from "mother's" dialog @45:00 minutes:
-title 50 overwatch operation (50 minute mark)
-overwatch protocol in affect for 180 minutes (180 degrees; 10:00->22:00)
-take the package Li Noor (li noor;lee noir;leeward dark;sunset to midnight)
-who spent 7 years in elite tactical squads (scorpio->taurus; 22:00->10:00)
-no known family (zodiacal cusp)
-to a pickup location that is 22 miles (22:00) away
-where the package Li Noor will provide the location to
-9 pounds (center taurus) of radioisotope, cesium-139, also known as fear powder
-he has locked the information on a disk (the circle) that is deconstructing (winding down)
-and will provide the unlock code (understanding)
-prior to boarding exit aircraft called Angel
-which can only stay on the ground for 10 minutes (22:00->00:00; 50 minutes->60 minutes)
(team to carry the package)
-team of 7 operators (taurus->scorpio; each being a team member)
-who are no longer employees of the U.S. government
-they are engaged in a higher form of patriotism
-they are ghosts
curious bits of later dialog:
"You're not a witch are you?"
"No, are you?"
"bear left, on the Y."
or became sane and remembered everything
humorous take on horoscopes from long times ago..