( so sorry to be bugging you) but this whole attacking anyone who has a different opinion than , for example, this guy, gets yelled at and harassed for the entire bread. JIDs /Jew haters ,whatever they are called, they make it difficult to work. The breads are spammed with stupid name-calling ( kike, Jew, Joo, bitch) and empty threats. It's childish. I don't care that some Anons don't like Jews, that's up to them, but getting bambarded at every turn simply for not wanting to gas all the Jews along with them is counterproductive. Our job is to dig, and post our findings , not fight with Jew haters. It's unprofessional and it's spamming. That's my opinion.
Sir, that I tagged- I apologise if you are not the person who spams, prevents digs, sharing or difference of opinions and so on.