Um, has anyone told Trump that ethanol is shit?
Nobody is pushing DeSantis. He's a popular gov who announced his run for presidency. Of course the networks are going to interview him. I haven't seen any pro bias DeSantis. The comment sections are all loaded with Trump supporters. I don't know what Trump is so worried about, that he feels the need to keep taking cheap shots at DeSantis, and the nicknames are old now.
There's an argument there too, should we being using farmland meant for food to grow crops of ethanol corn that for a fuel that damages engines.
Doesn't make sense to me, but yeah, some farmers are doing well off of ethanol, for now.
I was all in for Rand Paul 2016, and he was doing well until Trump showed up. I thought, no way will Trump ever get in there, not only was I wrong, I also voted for him.
I'm think DeSantis, is a nice move away from the boasting showman schmoozer of all the famous people Trump is. And let's not forget his aweful cabinet choices. I'd suggest his own fucking people set him up, starting with Kushner, who he pushed through his security clearance.
Yeah, I'm all in for DeSantis.
Hey, Rosenstein, can we outlaw bumpstocks?
Let's make open carry even the easiest in the country in my state Florida.
I pity the fool that has eyes, but does not see, and has ears, but does not hear.
Those are the fools, fool.
Arthur C. Clarke by now knows how wrong he was.
Do people real eyes that just one of the missing $trillion the Pentagon can't account for would fund the US military for the next decade?
Means she denounced Jesus. It's like an Eruv for the Kaballah.
Micky Arison (born June 29, 1949) is an Israeli-American billionaire businessman and chairman of Carnival Corporation, the world's largest cruise operator. From 1979 until 2013, he was also the company's chief executive officer. Arison is also the owner of the NBA's Miami Heat, which under his ownership has won three NBA Championships.[1]
Born in Israel
Another Jewish symbol, kind of like Kushner's snake symbol for the sports team of the school that honors his dead mother.
It needs to go infront of a full congress vote, so that everyone can see who voted for what.
That's all they are saying, they don't want to block it from going to vote because it deserves eyes on from the public.
Your post is spam.
it's the (((communist)))
Laura Silber
>deep state
He's retired now.