Okay, sure, maybe, except all of these companies are selling chinese products and almost all of it is carcinogenic posion.
This theory is defending the corrupt system and blaming it on the chinese (classic) rather than planning what to build from the ashes.
At first, I wasn't feeling Gen Flynn's latest endeavor trying to sell memberships to his new app or whatever
But he's honestly the only one besides Trump I can think of who is actively prepping for the post-groomer collapse of society.
Wouldn't you agree?
==What are the political implications of submitting a
FOIA (Freedom of information act) on yourself? - thread==
Would you find out how many lists your on?
My guess is glowniggers will claim it's a threat to national security to know how far they've inserted themselves up our asses, because it would obviously spark public outrage.
IMO this is the only way to destroy the patriot act/smith mundt modernization act which basically legalized it all.
>please bump
>It is true our friends and neighbor could lose their jobs if we claim boycott on everything without clearly undertanding what is going on.
Wagie wagie get in cagie!
Boss needs help so don't be lazy!
Yeah yeah, all you shills can eat bugs and lab grown cancer meat in jail while you wait for the death penalty.
How's that sound?
must not want to end up like Mr. Beast watching everyone around him troon out to keep up with the diversity quota
Afternoon, Ralph.
You're here early!
do we haz baker
>I'm not saying it is or it isn't
I didn't say you say anything, nor did I ask u a question, chatbot
Go charge your batteries, the next bread is waiting for your slide
yeah dawg I'm over here literally shaking pissing and shitting myself over your spam post
So dn't stop, I'm gonna cum!
No I was actually thinking of devoting more time to your slides.
Got anything new or are we spamming the ayyy pic for the rest of the year?
And btw I'm averaging over 60 posts now so make sure you bring a fucking abacus or something cuz I know you fuckers can't !count