1% Vs 99%
The 1% names have no Sway anymore
The 99% have found their Power
& they are learning how to Dual Wield
1% Vs 99%
The 1% names have no Sway anymore
The 99% have found their Power
& they are learning how to Dual Wield
Biden is the God Father of a Crime [F]amil[y]
Would Normies notice if their Gov was taken over by a Crime Syndicate?
I think they are beginning to Suspect Something is up
The Giant is Waking from it's long Slumber
If the Great Awakening had Stocks
Jim Cramer would tell you not to buy any
America's Money Printing Machine goes BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
Inflation will Soar
We're Brining Jesus Back (Yeah)
Them Satanists don't know how to act (Yeah)
Chuck Schumer
If we don't act Quickly in the Senate
The Federal Gov will Default
calling Bullshit on that one
iirc 4 times before
Every Big box store is Going Woke
Shop Smart
Shop Local Marts
The walls are closing in
The Beginning of the -End-
Tipping Point
Vote on the Debt Bill 20:30 Tonight
I Know how this story ends
The Tide is Turning
It's all Over for Fake News