Anonymous ID: 36e77b May 31, 2023, 3:38 p.m. No.18931566   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1583 >>1593 >>1667 >>1681 >>1724

PDJT announced today:


  • 250th Independence Day celebration party in July 2026

  • White House task force will coordinate the “Salute to America 250”, will work with state and local governments to ensure a year-long celebration of America lasting from Memorial Day 2025 - July 4, 2026

  • PDJT will work with all 50 governors to create the “Great American State Fair” which will run a year-long exhibition and will include pavilions from all 50 states, promoting pride and innovation

  • the Fair will be in Iowa; one time festival

  • major sporting competition, “patriot games” from high school athletes nationwide, will show off skills and competition

  • will sign Executive Order to bring build “The National Garden of American Heroes”, 100 statues in a statuary park honoring greatest Americans of all time

  • invite world leaders to our festivals to celebrate the USA; tourist industry get ready!

  • prayer warriors please pray for America

