Anonymous ID: 444366 May 31, 2023, 3:52 p.m. No.18931624   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1646 >>1672

Watch California!

Watch the Water!


President Trump’s support continues to skyrocket over the pack of 2024 Republican presidential candidates as he is closing the once-narrow gap between Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and himself in key primary states.


Trump has an 18-point lead over DeSantis, who announced his candidacy last week, in California, according to a new poll from the UC Berkeley Institute of Governmental Studies.


The poll of 1,875 Registered Republican Voters from California found that Trump led DeSantis 44 percent to 26 percent, a large drop in support for the governor since his eight-point lead in the state over the 45th president in February.


Although California is a reliably blue state, it has 169 delegates up for grabs in the Republican primaries, the most for any one state. It holds nearly seven percent of the total 2,467 delegates, of which just 1,234 delegates are needed to win the nomination for president.


Trump also received more support in California in 2020 than in any other state during the election, winning more than six million votes despite losing the state – a sign of historic support that could spell trouble for DeSantis.


The governor, however, narrowly led Trump in terms of his favorability ratings among Californians. DeSantis was favored by 75 percent of California Republicans, while Trump was favored by 74 percent.


However, DeSantis’s favorability fell four points from 79 percent in February, while Trump’s increased by five points from 69 percent in February, according to the poll.


Furthermore, the ultimate winner of Republican presidential nominations has won the California primaries every election cycle since >>Ronald Reagan in 1980.


Trump’s growing support among Californians could push the popular vote in his column for the general election, making him the first Republican to win the popular vote since President George W. Bush in 2004.


He may also push several U.S. House seats in the Republicans’ favor, securing and expanding their narrow majority.


If Trump continues to pull away from DeSantis in California, he may very well become the Republican nominee again, and potentially the 47th president.


The California GOP primary will take place on March 5, 2024.



12-Dec-2018 4:10:18 PM PST





"Watch CA" was deliberate.




11-Jul-2019 8:06:31 PM PDT



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What city was Epstein arrested in?



Watch CA.


Anonymous ID: 444366 May 31, 2023, 4:08 p.m. No.18931695   🗄️.is 🔗kun



With Indiana Gov. Mike Pence in the news due to his state's controversial religious freedom law, BuzzFeed's Andrew Kaczynski has been digging around Pence's old campaign websites. Today, he found this old article in which Pence grapples with the immense box office success of the film Titanic — and concludes that Americans love it because the titular ship's sinking is a metaphor for the US turning away from traditional values.


After considering several possible explanations for the film's popularity, including its "breathtaking" cinematography and "powerful" story, Pence concludes that "something else is going on here."


Perhaps, he says, "what draws us to this film is an undeniable sense that we are seeing America of the late 20th Century in metaphor before our eyes … Just as the Royal Mail Steamship Titanic left Southhampton, England on her maiden voyage with deckloads of proud and waving passengers, do we not see ourselves, steaming away from the safe harbor of our best moral and religious traditions?" He continues:



In another article, Pence proclaims that "global warming is a myth," and suggests that CO2 and coal can't be causing it because they're "natural." Though "Monica Lewinsky seems like the most important issue in America," he writes, stopping Democrats' "liberal environmentalist agenda … could be more important."