Anonymous ID: 46e96e May 31, 2023, 2:47 p.m. No.18931348   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1359 >>1381 >>1728



Accuses former CEO of breaking contract, poaching staff, donors


NEW YORK ( - Project Veritas is suing its former CEO for breaking his contract, among other things, and bringing harm to the whistleblower organization.


A lawsuit filed Wednesday in federal court accuses James O'Keefe of violating terms of his employment agreement by forming a new whistleblower organization, O'Keefe Media Group (OMG), as a competitor to Project Veritas.


He did so before he was formally terminated from Project Veritas in mid-May, thus engaging in "prohibited outside activities."


The group is also accusing O'Keefe of "taking donor lists and contact information, equipment, as well as unreleased investigation publications by Project Veritas, rebranded as OMG material."


Citing numerous interviews given by O'Keefe in early 2023, when he appeared on Steve Bannon's War Room, the Megyn Kelly Show, the Ben Shapiro Show and others, "O'Keefe engaged in a campaign to disparage Project Veritas to its donors and solicit them to donate to OMG."


The complaint also claims O'Keefe, in violation of his contract, solicited Project Veritas employees "to attempt to poach them to come work for him at OMG."


O'Keefe founded Project Veritas in 2010, a whistleblower organization that went on to score numerous victories in exposing corruption in media, the pharmaceutical industry and politicians, in particular Democrats.


He was suspended in February this year after allegations that he had created a "toxic work environment," which reportedly included screaming at staff or routinely showing up late to big donor meetings.


He is also accused of using donor money for illicit expenses, including paying for a helicopter for transportation, flying first class or staying in luxurious hotels while other staff had to stay in budget accommodations.


O'Keefe hit back at the allegations in a 44-minute video aired on Feb. 20, where he gave his final speech at Project Veritas headquarters before cleaning out his desk.


Watch the full length video of James O'Keefe's speech to the journalists at Project Veritas. He was removed by the board of directors in a coup. The video is incredibly heartfelt and honest and exposes the dishonesty of the organization's new heads.


— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) February 20, 2023

O'Keefe went through the allegations set forth in a Project Veritas memo accusing O'Keefe of financial improprieties, explaining how key information was omitted from the accusations or how some information was mischaracterized.


O'Keefe noted that he had apologized to the board of directors and that he had drafted an apology to staff, which was rejected by the board.


"I imagine many of you didn't even know that I drafted an apology," O'Keefe said. "Then I was subjected to a 6.5-hour listing of grievances, which included taking 'black cars' to meetings. I don't know the significance of the color of the vehicle."


He went on to refer to "bizarre grievances," which included "my failure to record audio at a bar in upstate New York, and an allegation that I stole a pregnant woman's sandwich in federal court" — an allegation O'Keefe denies.


Project Veritas took a beating on social media over the highly publicized ouster of O'Keefe, with thousands of individuals siding with O'Keefe and dropping their subscriptions to his former organization.


"Project Veritas is facing many challenges that are familiar to growing organizations," the group said in response to Church Militant's query. "We are making major changes internally due to the nature of our past interpersonal and managerial issues."


"We are more committed than ever to producing great journalism that exposes the stubborn false narratives plaguing our society," it continued.


Project Veritas is being represented by attorney Marc Randazza, who successfully defended Church Militant in its lawsuit against the city of Baltimore, Maryland over First Amendment violations.


Church Militant contacted O'Keefe and OMG for comment but received no immediate response.

Anonymous ID: 46e96e May 31, 2023, 2:56 p.m. No.18931379   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1382 >>1728



One man violently kicked in the face, blinded due to injuries


BALTIMORE, Md. ( Two pro-lifers were assaulted and injured outside a Planned Parenthood facility in Baltimore on Friday. Mark Crosby, 73, suffered significant facial damage, while the other victim, Dick Schaefer, 80, sustained minor injuries.


Following the incident, Crosby, a member of Baltimore's Church Militant Resistance group, was promptly admitted to the University of Maryland Shock Trauma Facility. Medical examinations revealed fractures in his right eye socket and the area below it. He has temporarily lost vision in that eye due to the injuries sustained.


"For years, Mark has prayed in front of the Planned Parenthood in Baltimore City to let the scared, young abortion-minded women know that they are loved, that their baby is loved," said Jay Walton, president of Baltimore County Right to Life.


"This was a vicious attack on two men because they are pro-life. This should be treated as a hate crime and denounced by Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott (D), as well as Maryland Governor Wes Moore (D)," Walton noted in another statement.


At the time of the incident, the victims were engaged in prayer and counseling activities alongside others outside the abortion facility. The suspect, described as "a white male with brown hair and a full beard, wearing a gray T-shirt, blue jeans and brown shoes," initiated the attack by violently shoving Schaefer into the wall of the Planned Parenthood facility.


Crosby attempted to intervene and was himself pushed to the ground by the attacker who struck him in the face with his fists and then stomped on his face. The assailant then fled the scene.


A friend of the victims shared his thoughts with Church Militant, stating, "Mark is very positive and grateful for the opportunity to literally bleed for Christ." He further described Mark as a warrior.


In response to the incident and the medical expenses incurred, Walton initiated a fundraiser to assist in covering Crosby's medical costs.


Both victims are parishioners at Christ the King parish in Towson, Maryland. Their pastor, Fr. Ed Meeks, explained the incident to parishioners at Mass on Sunday.