Anonymous ID: 0db630 June 1, 2023, 7:18 p.m. No.18938371   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Regain trust? In government? Not gonna happen. What has happened over the last 7 years, going on 8 that bares any evidence of truth, transparency or justice? A big, fat zero and I haven't even mentioned the last 160 years.


The corruption is stage 4 now and tthe body politic is terminally ill. The damage already done is irreparable and still, it's getting worse by the day and the so called "precipice" isn't even on the horizon. I don't give a fuck about a movie, plan or anything else. Trust is slow to build, easy to lose and imposssible to reestablish in full. It's fragile. Violate it? That's it. All of this has been over a century in the making and the obvious fact is something should have been done about it a long time ago. No, we fucked around for way too long and we are now finding out. NCSWIC. Nothing has, nothing is and nothing will.

God help us.