>>18937362 pb
>Internet is bad for [them]. You can't have internet.
>AI is bad for [them]. You can't have AI and AI is whatever we say it is.
>>18937362 pb
>Internet is bad for [them]. You can't have internet.
>AI is bad for [them]. You can't have AI and AI is whatever we say it is.
>where did all of these pics of stacks of naked, skinny, dead bodies come from?
so… you claim to have a photo of 6 gorillion dead bodies, all positively identified as jews? i'd LOVE to see that.
no? don't have one of those?
NO ONE is disputing that people died in prison camps.
no one has EVER disputed that.
did you think no one would notice the bait n switch argument?
a pic of stacked corpses, in and of itself, is proof of nothing other than a stack of corpses.
got proof it was taken in a german prison camp?
got proof that the corpses are all jews?
no? didn't think so.
so without actual evidence, the photos constitute un-sauced innuendo, the kind of yellow journalism this place exists to destroy.
answer your questions, rabbi?
>All of that German Engineering an all.
prior to 1945, germany was the world's leader in science, technology, and engineering, BY FAR. easily decades ahead of any other country.
that is the reason that anyone working to earn a BS in chem/phys/bio/medicine during the 60s and 70s were REQUIRED to learn german….
the vast majority of cutting-edge journal articles were written and published in german.
that so many believe any of the holohoax myths is evidence of the triumph of marketing over intelligence.
>homeboy wants geolocation exim data on the b/w photos from 80 years ago.
again, NOTHING but deflection and strawman arguments. AS IF that were the only proof possible. how about a recognizable landmark in the photo? germans soldiers in WWII uniforms in the act of stacking the corpses? a SIGN in the pic indicating the location? no? those won't do? only your obviously false syllogism to distract attention from the LACK OF ANY PROOF.
(((YOU))) go to bed, rabbi. maybe you'll dream of sucking bloody baby cocks all nite long.
>Anyone take credit for rap/Hip Hop?
good sir, do you mean to imply that nigger noise is not the organic voice of black americans?
i'm SHOCKED! shocked, i say….
>It was the only way, and by only way I mean, the only way.
i beg to differ.
shut down ALL commercial radio/tv/internet/telecomm.
mass arrests and tribunals carried 24/7 on emergency broadcast channels.
wanna 'splain why that would fail to wake up NPCs?
>I was gonna try to stop saying nigger in the context of black people…
well… as Chris Rock so accurately observed… there are black people, and then there are NIGGERS.
kinda like there are white people, and then there are WHITETRASH.
in THAT context, it can hardly be called raycisss
>casualty mitigation was calculated
pretty fucking poorly, IMHO… would plan Z have killed more than the clotshot? i find that hard to believe, if not impossible.
>but I wasn't President - yet.
if i'm ever somehow made president, the libtards will be on their knees begging to bring orangeman back.
>The sheep would Rebel against the wrong side
and do WHAT, exactly? burn their bras? take a knee? maybe organize a 5k run/walk to raise awareness?
no one ever made a horror flick entitled, REVENGE OF THE SHEEP, and for good reason. it's WHY they're called "sheep."
>Civil war woulda wiped out way more
the actual civil war killed a few hundred thousand.
by conservative estimate, the clotshot has killed a hundred million, globally. and it's not done.
>people in auto accidents even died from covid.
lame ass attempt to conflate covid with the clotshot.
we KNOW covid deaths were exaggerated.
just like we KNOW clotshot deaths are underreported.
>can you find that* data
first of all, it's THOSE data, not that data, bcs data is PLURAL. (illiterate fuckwit.)
HOW MANY TIMES do you need to see the stats from insurance companies stating that deaths among 18-50yr olds have increased by 40%?
can (((YOU))) do 5th grade arithmetic?
>why would it be so hard to find it now?
IT'S NOT. thx for agreeing with me. you're free to find it and post your proof that i am wrong.
pre-clotshot, the mortality rate globally was somewhere above 1%.
that's indisputable general common knowledge.
what's 1% of 7 billion, asshat?
now calculate a 40% increase in that number, ASSHAT.
>we got much more carnage available at your disposal now.
and exactly how many libtards willing to engage in a live firefight? they run to safe spaces to hide from hate speech.
yer a FUCKWIT or a shill, 'cause your "arguments" (i use the term VERY loosely) are retarded.
>Seems like a fairly simple search for such an astute anon such as yourself.
so DO IT. you're obviously far more ASSTOOT than me.
>You need to post the proof of your claim faggot.
if i say the sky is blue, i'm not going to sauce it just for your gratification. disputing it is the extraordinary claim, so the burden of proof is on YOU.
i have better things to do that waste time doing your homework posting copypasta stats that you will ignore anyway.
>Easier strat is to let the libtards vax themselves to death.
maybe, but does that make it right? is that what Jesus would do?
>Good riddance.
tempting as it is to agree, it shows a total lack of compassion for the victims.
IDK where you find this shit… pre-covid, on avg 3 million americans died per yr, which is 1% of pop. suggesting that global deaths were 55 million is LUDICROUS.
1% of 7 billion is 70 million, and that's assuming third world countries have equal or longer life-expectancies than the US, an OBVIOUS fallacy.
DURING covid the number of US deaths DROPPED by 300,000, which is 0.1%
after the clotshot, annual US deaths are up by 600,000.
that's a 0.9% swing. what's 0.9% of 7.5 billion?
somewhere north of 70 million/yr.
multiply that by 2.5 yrs of jabbing the sheep…
that's a total of 200 million deaths due to the clotshot.
>Jesus is still free to descend from the Heavens anytime now and save us all.
maybe He has a different definition of "save."
personally, i like my life, and i'd like to hang onto this bit of flesh as long as naturally possible.
why don't you quote stats from CNN, while you're at it.
people who already had one foot in the grave died WITH covid, not FROM covid.
>still no sauce for your 100 million claim.
work on your reading comprehension