This is the Graveyard Shift.
Beware the werewolves, vampires and pink-haired zombies.
>two six packs of Yuengling
Hail Yuengling. May they continue to resist the woke crowd.
I know it's not a Chinese company but, dang, I keep thinking Chinese.
Not that being Chinese is a bad thing, kek. At least they're not woke.
77 cents for a comic book? What era is that? I remember paying 12 cents way back when, kek.
I Feel Love by Donna Summer was just playing on the radio so I decided to find it on Youtube.
This is a 30-minute version with different mixes. Best disco evar!
>Cloud flare stress(censorship) test?
Did you know that Cloudflare can detect your browser by the TLS fingerprint?
This makes it possible to block, for example, Firefox users. Or Brave users.
What are the demographics of browser users?
Smart people use FF though Brave is admittedly really good at blocking spam (great for pirate sites).
>No, smart people use Pale Moon
Granted. I'm used to plain FF. There's also Waterfox.
I use uMatrix to block the bullshit. I was a NoScript fan but it has been having issues for the past year due to excessive code insertion which broke under some new FF security rules.
Like the "Patriot Act". Always trying to gaslight us, those bastards.
Ban genital mutilation!
Irregardless of religious beliefs. Anyone who supports the barbaric practice of circumcision should remember that the Bible also prescribes that we stone adulterers. I'm all for dropping gays off the top of tall buildings though.
>load it to Gab TV, too chicken shit Id guess to do it.
The battle is on Twitter. Gab is a small player. Most normies don't know about it.
I guess Matt could tell his Twitter followers to go to Gab butโฆthe battle is on Twitter.
>why was this image a thing
I'm not familiar with that. You got links or something?
Also, what do you mean by oldfag? I'm old but not a fag, kek.
>tweaking his ass off!
Tweaking? Did you mean "twerking"?
Kek, trying to imagine tweaking my ass. Is that like tweaking a dial? Do I need tools for this?
>You must be really young as to not understand tweaking his ass off.
Maybe I'm just not in the same part of the world as you are.
I have never heard of that as a drug reference. Don't remember hearing it in the movies or on TV.
Thanks for the reference but that's not the same as "tweaking his ass off".