See it?
Dasting..supposedly the Hollyweird elite pukes are wearing these "Times Up" pins.
>well they were in 2018
Yup from 2018? I don't know the specifics but it's about "survivors of sexual misconduct".
Sauce: https://timesupfoundation.org/work/times-up-legal-defense-fund/a-lifeline-for-survivors/
That’s the cover story for why they were all wearing them anyway. I was looking for the HRC tweets for times up and Jake tapper tweeting out the same but it appears they’ve been scrubbed. I didn’t screen shot them.
When I put it together with similar symbolism from other contexts it connects to a bigger theme as in “the clock is running out.” (The Google fat lady singing, the No hours t-shirt, etc). I think Dan Scavino tweeted out a tick Tock rotating clock. Just spit balling here.