The Satanic Cult's obsession boils down to one goal: They want to defeat and destroy God informationally.
When a baby is born in the hospital, and the doctor says 'It's a boy!' or 'It's a girl!', this is highly offensive to the cult's megalomaniacal thirst for power, because it represents a moment where HOW WE ARE MADE is mutually agreed upon as a miraculous event that is the gift of life. Parents and Doctors celebrate what is treated informationally as beyond everyone's TOTAL power in how the miracle of life even exists at all.
Therefore, the truths AT BIRTH, which are CLOSEST TO 'GOD' INFORMATIONALLY, the sick demonic psychopaths can't tolerate other people living like that, so they "infiltrate" the event informationally.
By pushing mass echo psyop narrative that if the people disagree or dissent from the cult's message of 'transgenderism', then the people are to receive smears, slanders, attacks, censorship, intimidation, threats, coercion, all so that they are tricked into echoing, repeating, and even fighting each other, to practise a de facto informational 'ritual' consistent with the cult's narrative that to even SPEAK the biological truths of birth is an unforgiveable 'sin'.
And this is the ONLY reason why the fake news, 'woke' corporations, radical left Democrat party, RINOs, Marxists, are all themselves echoing and pushing 'transgender' narrative.
The Satanic Cult in their drive to 'kill God', will insist that they are the sole path to 'true freedom', to escape from the 'fetters' or 'schrenk' (German Ideological movement 1700s-1800s) of objective reality itself. Hence, they will scream that mutilating children, imposing severe and irreversible changes to children's bodies, is twisted into the narrative that it's consistent with more freedom.
Once you 'see' that EVERYTHING the cult does is solely driven by wanting to defeat God, then EVERYTHING they do makes sense.
It's why they hunt the people with attacks/alterations of their DNA.
Literally EVERYTHING they say and do, once you realize it's all a psyop to informationally destroy God, their entire M.O. becomes transparent for what it really is.