Elementary school taps Planned Parenthood to teach gender, sex lessons in Olympia
Part of the curriculum was the "gender wheel" which enables children to choose pronouns, body types, and genders including "trans femme" "drag king," "agender person," "girlish boy," "boi grrl."
Fourth and fifth-grade students at Lincoln Elementary in Washington State's Olympia School District were taught graphic sex-ed curriculum by Planned Parenthood, which included depictions of vaginas and penises, as well as intersex private parts.
Brandi Kruse of the unDivided podcast obtained the material that was given to students on May 9 from a parent in the district. According to one of the pamphlets, “Bodies can look all sorts of ways!” and “It’s okay if you don’t look like one of these photos! It’s impossible to represent everyone in just a few photos. Every body is a good body.”
Some of the drawings included pubic hair shaped like animals.
Included in the pamphlet are images of items children might need once they hit puberty, including tampons, razors, deodorant, and puberty blockers.
Part of the curriculum was the “gender wheel” which enables children to choose pronouns, body types, and genders including “intersex,” "trans femme,” “drag king,” “agender person,” “girlish boy,” “boi grrl,” “nonbinary” and pronouns such as “they,” “ze” and even “tree.”
According to the pamphlet, “The wheel is alive. All of the circles turn to show the infinite dance that includes every body inside and outside, as well as out in the world. Words and ways of thinking are changing all the time as old, limiting beliefs transform and evolve.”
The material was created by Maya Gonzalez, a “Xicanx genderqueer femme with three decades of experience as an independent researcher with a specific focus on LGBTQ and suppressed history.”
According to unDivided, parents were notified that the lessons would be taking place but the content had not been approved or shared with families in advance.
When confronted by parents, Lincoln Elementary Principal Marcela Abadi claimed the material was not part of the school’s approved curriculum and wrote in an email obtained by Kruse, “We are investigating the matter and working with staff to get more information to determine next steps. If you have any questions, please reach out to me.”
According to additional emails obtained by unDivided between parents and the district, the instructor was not a teacher but was in fact a speaker from an outside organization called the Teen Council, which is part of Planned Parenthood.
The principal said the Planned Parenthood presenter “went off script” and would not be invited back to speak.