they may say something; you just never have heard it, since it's never broadcast.
Only their side, the fakery, the liars, are broadcast.
Same with so many other conspiracies. People do say something, but no one listens, and if it's ever broadcast the messenger is demeaned and laughed at
FreeMasons and FBI are really good at getting you to back down from your beliefs (even and especially if they are eyewitness) Bullying/ shills, just how the shill work here.
Also censorship through murder and indimidation.
Just because you never heard it doesn't mean everyone kept quiet.
Reminds me of the old argument around the JFK murder.
"impossible, too many people someone would've spoken"
aside from the fact people did speak and weren't listened to, or did speak, and then were murdered. Aside from that. We have now PROOF of giant conspiracy;
"did no one speak" ?
Does that means their scam was real?
thousands must be involved.
EUGENICS PROGRAM clot-shot, murders in the hospital
so it's known for certainly now; just because it's a big conspiracy, and no one ever personally confessed to you, doesn't mean it's a fantasy.
It's very real and very large.
One has to use logic, Rather than assumptions.