How in the hell did any Baker or Anon fall for the fake Q posts from the low-IQ CIA clown? Shameful.
>>18945718 ← retard
>>18945700 ← retard
COINTELPRO Honeypot trap? I'll pass.
Nobody with a functioning brain will sign up on that website.
OK groomer.
If you don't know the answer by now, you're in trouble. Dig. Learn. Know.
Go figure out what CIA Clandestine Operations does. It's all open-source facts.
Don't be gullible. You have a brain; use it.
Son, CIA clowns post bullshit while pretending to be anons. Then their media counterparts pick up on their posts and run with the smear pieces.
This should be easy to identify by now.
Deep State whores are mentally-challenged. Too many citizens far exceed them in intelligence.