Anonymous ID: 807546 June 3, 2023, 5:23 a.m. No.18945260   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5271



btw great work last bread,

enjoy your weekend,

you deserve it.

someone mentioned the what is a woman documentary by matt walsh.

linked below, the full version for anons who have not seen it, including this anon, cos ffs what can they tell a ex mgtow about what a woman really is and what goes into her mind and their unrealistic ideas, gaslighting and constant holiday modes. their needs to be entertained.

That is just a adult human female.

most women have no idea what they want.

as for those who are identifying as something, that is a mental disorder and nothing less then some heavy duty backhanders will straightened that shit out.




Anonymous ID: 807546 June 3, 2023, 5:30 a.m. No.18945281   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5285 >>5293 >>5585


Elon desparately wants the anons approval.

he has zero personality and is a clone conditioned from birth from a elite family.

Right at the moment he is the latest distraction.

anons follow no one, not even trump.

The rest of the world don't mean shit


Anonymous ID: 807546 June 3, 2023, 5:43 a.m. No.18945328   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5332 >>5346


This anon like trump

So for now anon will continue to amplify him until 2024. Even Q could be anything, but truth and lies are the fog of war in the internet age of cyberware.

Anons are critical thinking individuals who live outside the farm of mind control.

==Learn to harness the force of self accountibility and not seeking validation from anyone - think for yourself.

A guide below.



8 lessons of 10 years of Truthing: take it or leave it.

  1. VERIFY/CHECK before spreading! Truth is the most precious thing, keep it clean.

  2. Forget your EGO/EMOTIONS. Truth doesn't care: Truth hurts.

  3. Start with establishing #FACTS: WHAT/WHERE/WHEN? Then, look for actors: WHO? Only LATER: reasons and explanations (WHY?/HOW?). Most #disinfo agents target insecure truthers by moving immediately to "why?". NO. Stay calm, establish as much baseline fact as possible. WHY is NOT important: THEY decide THEIR rules.

  4. Use EYES, EARS, SIMPLE LOGIC. Simple facts destroy the most complicated lies. Truth requires few words. Lies need libaries.

  5. ANY group spreading #Truth WILL be targeted by agents trying to poison the Truth, destroy group #cohesion and #credibility, AKA "Poisoning of the well." People don't want to be associated with liars and lunatics. THEY will try to make YOU look crazy, but also their OWN #ControlledOpposition agents. The #tinfoilhat/#conspiracytheory campaign is effective: the sheeple have built up natural defenses against what they don't know #ridicule.

  6. THEY know/accept that smart minds WILL connect with Truth every generation (a #NEO). My theory is THEY are envious of people who managed to find out Truth against all odds. However, Truth is too important to get spread wider, so THEY WILL find ways to manage it on micro, but more importantly, macro level. A single truther doesn't matter, but mass awakening MUST be prevented, guided, controlled, through agents and half-truths (lies). The goal is to make the fake-awake feel like they know the truth, while they dont. This is the purpose of #Q, #Assange, #Snowden, and other "#limitedhangout".

  7. Truthers using real names are rare because of repercussions that Truthing has. #Truth is generally not accepted by your friends, family, or your employer: it's too uncomfortable to be associated with publicly. ONLY #ControlledOppposition folks from elite families can easily play the #tinfoilhat guy in public. They have nothing to lose: they're VIP already. "Verified accounts" you should trust the LEAST.

  8. Every so called or self-proclaimed "Truther", must have or develop the ability to discern Truth from disinformation. This is a basic skill and principle: #discernment, truth or lie should be applied to ALL information presented to you, and ALL parts and pieces of that information, whether you buy into the general principle/message of that information or not. You can NEVER ASSUME. EVER. You can NEVER accept one part and then automatically the whole, because THAT is how they sell LIES. By packaging it in a 90% truth wrapping.

#Discernment does not come fully natural, this can only be honed and perfected by exposing yourself to new information, truthful and deceitful, learning to recognize facts from fiction. This is a very subtle, but extremely powerful and important skill. As MY tutor who took me under his wing told me: "Eat the meat, spit out the bones."

God bless all of you.

Anonymous ID: 807546 June 3, 2023, 6:17 a.m. No.18945496   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5510 >>5572



anon did question it.

turns out he was a anon who had a ton of pdfs which contained a lot of info.

Admin should go through bread and check the interactions.

The pdfs were solid. not sure about the full J6 link, 4 hour download,

that anon will report back when downloaded.

>>18944752 lb

Here all J6 Video's

Anonymous ID: 807546 June 3, 2023, 6:42 a.m. No.18945589   🗄️.is 🔗kun



anon does not venture off this board.

have archived link offline for other anon to report back. If it is solid, anon has a 8gig harddrive to download from link.

Than the digs and vids clips can start.

Anon is still wondering who took pelosi's laptop.

They definitely looks like op's

Anonymous ID: 807546 June 3, 2023, 6:55 a.m. No.18945637   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5649


bakers choice

last bread was mainly retarded.

seen lots of bakers notable really retarded shit.

at least that was info with context.

Oldfag baker approved of the work last baker did to add the links into threads so anons can follow the conversation

no anon does not think it was Q.

the poster posted from Tor with a Q nametag without the flashing tripcode.

once pointed out to him he changed to anonymous.

Not sure he was a regular on Qresearch.

Not everyone knows the rules and culture here.

if the info is crap it can be dismissed and disappeared into the memory hole of past Qresearch breads.

but if it is finally the J6 Videos and it is missed that would have been a tragedy.

McCarthy stated he was going to release the lot, than they NDA tucker and fired him.

lets wait and see

Anonymous ID: 807546 June 3, 2023, 7:04 a.m. No.18945675   🗄️.is 🔗kun


does not matter to this anon

anon is a prisoner here and is never leaving.

Info will have to be dropped here for anon to engage.

lots of crap on other social media sites.

This is anons home meow.