Anonymous ID: 0f6f47 June 3, 2023, 11:45 a.m. No.18946643   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6654


Chaos Erupts At Conference as Furious Husband Storms Stage and Roughs Up Doctor He Accuses of Assaulting His Wife Seven Years Ago (VIDEO)


Who knows what really happened? The comments on the story speculate a lot. However, the incident seems somewhat like a "harbinger" of things to come. What happens when the truth about vaccines and the COVID injections in particular is widely known? Why haven't the parents of children who died of SIDS gotten outraged? SIDS is often a vaccine death. As the truth trickles out it doesn't seem like the medical profession will escape. Fluoride is a known neurotoxic poison, but the local newspaper just had an ad insert, courtesy of all the normal culprits, touting its benefits. The web site mentioned on the flyer has already adjusted its messaging, however…


Lawyers should decide to serve humanity and assist with the class action and other lawsuits that must follow all the wicked shenanigans that have killed and maimed countless millions.


Children should not be given Tylenol, either!

Anonymous ID: 0f6f47 June 3, 2023, 11:51 a.m. No.18946669   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6675


>all the horrible bits where Yahweh is asking for burnt virgin sacrifices and gold and blood sprayed on the alter because it smells so good to him.


But that is not in the Bible! If you are referring to animal sacrifices much of that had to do with atonement for sin, which is no longer needed because Jesus took that necessity away with his willing sacrifice of his own life. No where did God ask for virgins to be sacrificed! That was one of the abominations He distinctly opposed!