is calling out the lies of their cult hate? Perhaps against hte individual it may be hate but against the ideology that is justified criticism.
and you just saying that does not make it true, so now what, an impasse. One person saying all religions should be questioned especially as to the indoctrination and levels of control and people like yourself who say uh uh you just hating. Just screaming muh jew hate does not dismiss the lies not just in their beliefs and the evil it does as a result of it, but the same issue goes for catholics and protestants and muslims. You shouting and saying jew hate just makes you sound scared and small minded, and that is ok. You are just not ready or perhaps capable of deeper thoughts.
and yet here you are still screaming. Has anything I said been hateful?
or is it just your fear of what I am proposing that scares you so badly you try to deflect by calling out Jesus to try to prove some lame point you are attempting. You are a just being a sad anon now and showing a lack of true discernment. Go ahead cry some more accuse others but that seems to be a tactic of cults that seek control not open minded anons searching for truth.
because they feel that if they run they will be more protected from the storm when it hits.
and yet again, I ask why do you say it was debunked when the very system of current control is what is said to have debunked it. THat is like the fake news media saying Joe Biden got 81 million votes because it says he has received 81 million votes. Or perhaps the better analogy would be Anderson Copper says it has been debunked so as a trusted source you should believe that because anything other than this credited source is a lie and has no bearing on anything. SO to say something has been debunked is a rather lazy thing to say especially in context of the levels of brainwashing modern society has found it self. Just claiming something does not make it true. SO saying Gnosticism has been debunked is akin to there is no voter fraud.
so defensive.
I question your cult and yes it is and now you try to gas light and accuse again.
Must be sad to be as retarded as you are.
Newbie, what a kek that is.
keep praying to your demon god.
the patron saint of two weeks.
some have and some have not. I agree repetition is annoying sometimes but that does not diminish the message either. Who cares what the media does they are all retards and will write what they want to write so I say what I want to say. You act as this is holy ground as opposed to what it is a place where people of all thoughts can express them no matter how distasteful they are (within reason of course) to speak. I would rather know what they think and you think then to just scream muh jew and silence any conversation who the fuck does that help, no one is the correct answer. Sorry some things about history may upset you, that is not my problem or anyone elses only yours. You can accuse the individual of course as it should be especially if they apply a doctrine of evil and act upon it. But then criticize the doctrine, if criticizing doctrine and others thoughts and challenging them scares you so damn much maybe anon is not what you should be. There are plenty of jewish criminals just like catholics and muslims, and I am sure hindus are not that great either in their beliefs nor the chinese, but to not understand the doctrines that drive people to these acts you will never gain understanding at all. Just more screaming and hand wringing from the side lines. No anon has a full grasp of any truth we aim for it but there is still a subjective slant to all anons depending on what their starting point was to the target so some ideas may be off kilter. But shouting muh jew also does not work. Jews are just one of many who have all been corrupted by something far more ancient than most anons are willing to accept or at the very least so short sited that they want to put everything in a good evil box and try to not think to hard about it.
and here you are still being a dumb ass ignoring the context of what I said. I want to cast doubt I want to cast so much doubt in the system that people wake up to the lie. Sorry you are not ready and intellectually incapable of thinking for yourself. I did not change the subject I only managed to draw a comparison that you are once again too stupid to comprehend. Guess you took the jab also because after all it was safe and effective and many people said that people saying the jab was poison was debunked. Keep proving your stupidity it only allows me to sharpen my arguments.
Because I am questioning the narrative you only accept it and, I guess you needed to also IP hop to be a further retard. Yes you worship a demon god, and while the term demon may be heavy handed it is at the very least a corrupt being bent on control and subjugation. Insult really, me calling you a stupid retard is an insult and an apt one, calling that entity a faggot is just a statement to which you take offense. SO because a bunch of people believe something it should not be questioned or insulted.YOU ARE IN A CULT
=don't care==
enjoy your brainwashing faggot. Tried to be reasonable but as this is the only thing your pea brain can ever comprehend, might as well have some fun and insult the stupid. Hell even inACTS 17:24-27it talks about how the idea of temples and sacrifice are gay and stupid. You just want to live under the law and not be freed from it. Not my problem.
because i used harsh words oh no what ever shall I, I don't think I will ever recover.
I am just saying that the bible is mostly bullshit and all religions suffer from it. Again not my problem you are a stupid faggot who is so indoctrinated in the temple that you can not simply step outside and see it is not needed or warented. The people who you look up to like the catholic trash especially of the early church are what helped destroy these alternative narratives not because they thought they were right but they knew they would lose control of the system if people started to question what and who they were praying to. Also acting like anon should be acting any such way is just another system of control much like you trying to dictate my language to which I say fuck you nigger. I don't know 100% what you worship but I know you are more comfortable with a lie and excepting the established dogma rather than expand your horizons. You are assuming so much about my motives but tell you what, maybe you are right I want to drive a stake right through the heart of the modern cult chuch I want to see it burn down. You are in a cult, because you accept what others have told you about gnosticism and other things. And then you just resort to the I must be a shill because I am against your beliefs. Well that can be flipped also on you as well. The faithful are retarded. The modern church is retarded. I will spend the rest of my days calling you fucks out and causing the doubt that will hopefully wake some of you idiots up you are a lost cause however enjoy your ancient death cult faggot.
true. It is something to do with RNC rules I thought also. Something with because the vote was so split in the primaries they get to choose the VP
well I thought I would just fuck your mom and call it a day. But keep trying to project .
Thanks again for proving what a bunch of brain washed death cultists you are.
again that level of control you want to assert over how I speak vs what I say.
I just have been saying you are a retarded death cultist. You are the enemy and you may or may not even know it.
You are so brain dead accepting perhaps that the jab was a lie the politics of the world is a lie but your special fucking book is so magically protected. Parts of it may have been but to ignore the mis translations just makes you the true useful idiot. Go on and keep up with the moral superiority I for one do not know , never claimed to have all the truth only know that there are more lies than truth, you speak in absolutes. Oh and to think of star wars only a sith deals in absolutes. But because I use some colorful language call me a demon. What a waste of flesh you are. You could be better maybe if you tried your family might even be proud of you someday for not being such a useless twat. Enjoy your death cult of homos nigger.
death cultist homo
the acts passage was in reference to the lack of need of god for temples or sacrifice. Burning shit down yup, jesus came with a sword. I am that edge that will divide and hopefully wake some of you brain dead cunts out of your torpor. I may be messed up but at least I am not a faggot with no critical thinking skills to which you have demonstrated this morning. Sorry you are so weak and cowardly, but that is the life of a faggot who worships a demon called yahweh. Hell for a god that is supposed to know and and everyone know Moses sure had a hard time knowing who the fuck he was. There was a question and that diety would never be horrible and never eat virgins or need blood. You are a fucking death cultist and you are my enemy.
The current church is evil, from the catholics and their secrecy and sex cults to the evengelicals and their 501c3's which control speech from the pulpit to the jewish faith and their belief in the ancient words of cultists in the form of the kabbalah and the zohar. I know you are struggling and trying to defend you friends in the death cult but just means again you are the one I need to divide from and your cult is evil.YOUR GOD IS EVILbut tell me more about that group consensus bullshit you absolute faggot of a moron.
yup, die angry.
don't forget Fringe finishing the series for the umpteenth time now. Season 5 is the weakest.
don't start shit they can not cope with the truth. The problem is when they take it literally they still like to skip all the horrible bits where Yahweh is asking for burnt virgin sacrifices and gold and blood sprayed on the alter because it smells so good to him. They want to treat that as metaphorical because other wise they will have a problem with the cognitive dissonance of the father of Jesus.
sad yes and the last couple of movies were kinda fun continum and ark of truth but not really sure what else they can do. Their thoughts with the ORI at the end were interesting also. Just not sure what more they can do other than finish Stargate Universe.
wrong. Judges 11 Jephthah's daughter