> terpenes
Dude weed!
>we just know about them because of weed
Yeah, kinda chicken/egg tho when determining what started it all.
Pine Trees were also certainly an OG - they're the ones that came up with the turpentine/terpene namefagging.
>Styx is correct: Boycotts by the Right are not the same as Cancel Culture on the Left
Don't buy their gaslighting attempts.
>Right Boycotts
Don't buy the product
>Left Cancel Culture
Don't buy the product
Harass everyone else that does
Demand the companies fire people
Force banks to cut off their ability to finance their business
Force SM to banhammer their accounts
Shut down any debate because muh racisms
Listen to that perv in the vidya and tell me he's not rubbing one out while he's talking about her.
That dude has a bright future in HW as the creep on the other end of the line.
They've got the pissed off part down pat.
It's the do something already part that needs work.