Anonymous ID: e8d327 June 4, 2023, 11:28 a.m. No.18951136   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>18945808 pb

>Baker thought maybe tripcode doesn't work, could really be Q. No admins were here to check with (Tripcodes are WORKING - so this is not Q).



Logical thinking, anons.

If a poster uses tripcode it can't be an anon but it must be Q, but the inverse is not true. Nothing prevents Q from posting without tripcode.

Tripcode -Q

no tripcode -could be anyone ,

Q saying that he won't post w/o tripcode does not actually prove jackshit because disinfo is necessary.

Only Q, or God, possibly Q+ knows if that was Q. Anons need to wait when Q posts again w/ tripcode and either verifies or denies the non tripcode Q post. And even then it's not certain because disinfo is necessary.


Logic is your friend, anons. Even "disinfo is necessary" could be disinfo in a sense that even as anons know Q posted disinfo every now and then, it might have been not out of necessity but perhaps because of personal preference or strategic calculations, anons just don't know and can't know.