Never forget Moses was Akhenaten and was exilrd from Egypt for doing? You guessed it…Jew things. He also stole the Ark of the Covenant and had the audacity to say "Thy must not steal."
HA HA HA HA. "Amen ra".
Never forget Moses was Akhenaten and was exilrd from Egypt for doing? You guessed it…Jew things. He also stole the Ark of the Covenant and had the audacity to say "Thy must not steal."
HA HA HA HA. "Amen ra".
And he never 'parted' the sea. He knew a tsunami was coming and ordered his people to run across the sand when the water retreated before rushing back in as a tsunami does. He obviously learned of this from the great library in Alexandria.
The more you know…
>>18955230 (PB)
You spelt Satan wrong. He picked you's because you's are disgusting and consequently in tune with his evil vibration.
The perfect vessel for evil to flow through, is you, the jew.