Anonymous ID: 92ea6d June 5, 2023, 5:14 a.m. No.18955400   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5541 >>5808 >>5917 >>5997

5 Jun, 2023 11:30

Belgium investigating suspected arms diversion in Ukraine – PM

Kiev had pledged not to use Western-supplied weapons in Russia, PM Alexander De Croo reminded, after a recent exposé indicated a breach


Belgium supplied weapons to Ukraine under a “very strict” rule prohibitingtheir use on Russian soil, Prime Minister Alexander De Croo explained after a Kiev-backed militia armed with Belgian FN SCAR rifles conducted a cross-border raid in Belgorod Region.


“Let’s first try to check things carefully and see if the origin of these weapons is indeed the donations that Belgium made in the context of the defense of Ukrainian territory,” the Belgian leader added. Speaking to RTBF television on Monday, he said the country’s intelligence services and the military were investigating the situation.


The government in Brussels was placed in anawkward positionover a May 22 incursion into Russia by two Kiev-backed armed groups, the ‘Freedom of Russia Legion’ and the ‘Russian Volunteer Corps (RDK)’.


Images from the raid, which were examined by the Washington Post, showed themilitants using hardwareproduced by severalNATO members, including the US, Poland, Czech Republic, and Belgium. The Post’s sources suggested the weapons originated from the troves of arms supplied to Kiev by Western nations.


Belgium will demand clarifications from Ukraine about the evidence, according to reports in the country’s press. A government source said that donated armswere not “authorizedfor isolated groups which have an internal Russian agenda.”


The two militia groups, which adhere to far-right ideology, seek to topple the Russian government, according to their statements. RDK leaderDenis Nikitin, who goes by the moniker ‘WhiteRex’, is a notorious international neo-Nazi figure.


Moscow considers the militias to be terrorists, citing their record of targeting civilians in a series of cross-border attacks this year.


Leonid Slutsky, the leader of Russia’s LDPR party, describedBrussels’ reaction to the Post revelations aspearl-clutchingafter a predictable breach of trust by Kiev.


The demand for clarification from their own puppets is a patheticattempt to distance themselves from their involvement in the Ukrainian conflict,” the lawmaker said. Western nations have “long become” sponsors of terrorism, Slutsky maintained.

Anonymous ID: 92ea6d June 5, 2023, 5:22 a.m. No.18955429   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5541 >>5808 >>5917 >>5997

5 Jun, 2023 11:07

Kremlin ‘alarmed’ by reported coup attempt in former Soviet republic

Moscow is closely monitoring the situation in Kyrgyzstan, Russian presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov has said


Russian authorities are concerned over reports of an attempted coup in the Central Asian country of Kyrgyzstan, Kremlin press secretary Dmitry Peskov has said.


Early Monday, local media claimed that Kyrgyz security forces hadarrested participants of an alleged coup. According to reports, a group of people hadbeen plotting to take power from President Sadyr Japarov by force.


The identities and whereabouts of those arrested are currently unknown, but judging by the videos of detentions uploaded on social media, the operation apparently took place in the country's capital, Bishkek.


Kyrgyzstan’s Interior Ministry and the State Committee for National Security have yet to make any official statements regarding the situation.


“So far, obviously, very alarming news is coming in,” Peskov said when asked to comment on the reports from Kyrgyzstan. The Russian authorities are “closely monitoring”the events, he added.


Kyrgyzstan is a former Soviet republic of around 7 million people and a close ally of Russia. The country is a member of the Commonwealth of Independent States, the Eurasian Economic Union, the Collective Security Treaty Organization and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. President Japarov was among the foreign leaders who attended the Victory Day parade on Red Square in Moscow on May 9.

Anonymous ID: 92ea6d June 5, 2023, 5:50 a.m. No.18955488   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5541 >>5563 >>5808 >>5917 >>5997

5 Jun, 2023 03:08

UK wants hardliner Wallace as new NATO chief – media

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak reportedly plans to lobby for his defense secretary during a trip to Washington


British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak will “encourage” US President Joe Biden to endorse the current UK defense secretary, Ben Wallace, as NATO’s next secretary-general, The Telegraph reported on Sunday. Wallace has previously expressed interest in leading the Western military bloc.


Sunak will meet Biden at the White House on Thursday. According to Biden’s spokeswoman, Karine Jean-Pierre, the two leaders will discuss a wide range of topics, including support for Ukraine, energy security, and trade relations.


Wallace has advocated harsh sanctions against Moscow and has been among the strongest proponents of supplying advanced weapons to Kiev.


During his tenure as defense secretary, the UK became the first nation to offer modern heavy tanks to Ukraine and recently delivered Storm Shadow long-range cruise missiles to Ukrainian troops.


Although Wallace has not publicly confirmed his intention to apply for NATO’s top position, he has told the media that it would be a “fantastic” job.


NATO’s current secretary-general, Jens Stoltenberg, had his four-year term extended for another year in March 2022 due to the Russia-Ukraine conflict, but will step down on September 30, 2023. The Norwegian said earlier this year that he would not seek a further extension.


The secretary-general is chosen through “informal diplomatic consultations” among the bloc’s 31 members, according to NATO’s website.


(Another warmonger UK leader to engage and be owned by MIC. The UK have very fee arms of their own left by giving Ukraine the vast majority to them to destroy. Russia is participating in the destruction at an accelerated level too.)

Anonymous ID: 92ea6d June 5, 2023, 6:08 a.m. No.18955520   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5541 >>5808 >>5917 >>5997

4 Jun, 2023 21:02

Swiss capital votes for legal cocaine

After testing the controlled sale of cannabis, Bern’s city parliament now wants to give residents access to harder substances


The municipal council of the Swiss capital Bern voted on Thursday toextend the trial sale of cannabis to cocaine. The drug will not be immediately legalized, however, without the federal government’s permission.


The motion, which was introduced by the Alternative Left party,passed by 43 votes to 18, Swiss news outlet SRF reported on Friday. The motion was opposed by center-right and religious councilors, butsupported by leftistsand some members of the center-left Social Democratic Party.


Bern voted last year to test the controlled sale of cannabis, and was granted permission by the federal government last month. Cannabis sales are expected to begin in Bern this fall, and have already started in Basel, Zurich, and Lausanne.


Noting that the federal government only agreed to allow cannabis sales after significant pressure from multiple cities, Bern Social Director Franziska Teuscher said her city would not push the government to act on cocaine, and that Thursday’s vote instead sent a signal that the city would be open to the idea in future.


A similar motion was rejected by the council in 2019, with the Social Democrat majority arguing that they wanted to gain experience with legal cannabis sales before moving on to harder drugs.


Switzerland is a cocaine hotspot, with Addiction Switzerland estimating thatfive tons of the powder entersthe country every year. According to EU data, fourSwiss cities – Zurich, Basel, Geneva – rank in the top tenin Europe forcocaine consumption. Consumption all across Europe has risen in the last decade, with residents of Bern consuming more than twice as much of the substance last year as they did in 2012.


Switzerland Population (LIVE)


Anonymous ID: 92ea6d June 5, 2023, 6:22 a.m. No.18955556   🗄️.is 🔗kun

4 Jun, 2023 21:02


Biden’s health is a national security issue – ex-White House doctor


After the president fell on stage, Ronny Jackson insisted that Joe Biden is “not fit mentally or physically” to lead the country


TheWhite House is guilty of “malpractice” for allowing President Joe Biden to seek re-election while in such a state of physical and mental decline, former White House physician and Republican Congressman Ronny Jackson has told Fox News.


Biden tripped and fell while leaving the stage after a commencement ceremony at the US Air Force Academy in Colorado on Thursday. Although the White House said Biden was “fine,” and had beensurprised by a sandbag on stage, video footage showed the president apparently needing directions to find his way to the podium in the first place. (The MAGA sandbag shouted, “I didn’t mean to surprise you, I hope you are ok”!Bidan responded, “see I told you MAGA extreme terrorist sandbags are my greatest threat of cognitive and physical functioning! Arrest that sandbag!)


“I don’t wanna sound like a broken record, but I’m just going to say it again: This man’s not fit mentally or physically to be our president, and it’s a bad situation for us,” Jackson told Fox News’ Sean Hannity on Friday.


“I think his lack of physical ability and his physical decline is now starting to highlight the cognitive decline that we’ve been watching for so long now,” Jackson continued. “It’s a package that just doesn’t sell around the world, and it’s becoming a national security issue for us.”


Jackson, who served as White House physician to Donald Trump and Barack Obama, has repeatedly warned about Biden’s mental health, declaring earlier this year that the 80-year-old president “doesn’t know where he’s at half the time and every day he brings us closer to an all-out war with Russia and China.”


According to a recent NPR poll,62% of Americansbelieve that Biden’s mental fitness is “a real concern about his ability to be president,” with 36% of Democrats and 69% of independents agreeing with this statement. A Washington Post poll taken at the beginning of May also found that 62% of voters believe Biden to be in too poor a physical condition to serve effectively.


Biden is already the oldest commander-in-chief ever to lead the US, and if elected in 2024 will be 86 years old leaving office.


It “is just malpractice on part of the White House in the West Wing to allow this to be happening, for him to even be talking about running for another term,” Jackson told Hannity. “Somebody needs to be held accountable. People like Jill Biden and people that surround him and are supposed to love him and care about him, they should be doing something about this, and they should be stopping this because it’s a shame.”

Anonymous ID: 92ea6d June 5, 2023, 6:34 a.m. No.18955583   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5592 >>5808 >>5917 >>5997

4 Jun, 2023 19:45

US schools protecting child abusers – report

With sexual violence increasing, predatory teachers are often allowed to abuse children for decades, a conservative group claims


USpublic school employeeswho sexually abuse children aretypically moved to different schools threetimes before they are finally arrested,preying on as many as 73 victimsbefore they are eventually punished, according to a new report by a conservative think tank.


Published last week by theDefense of Freedom Institute, the report detailshundreds of cases in which teachers in public school districts were accused of abuse, but had their records scrubbed before being moved to new positions, where the abuse continued.


Citing earlier research by the Government Accountability Office, the report noted thatfiring teachers can be a costly processfor school districts. As such, the districts often negotiate confidentiality agreements with unions whereby a teacher can resign or be demoted to avoid disciplinary action, before being transferred to another school with a clean slate.


The average employee accused of abuse is passed to three different school districts before facing legal consequences, and can abuse up to 73 children in this time.


This system has allowed sexual assault to proliferate, the report claimed. According to the most recent Department of Education data,13,799 cases of sexual violence and 685 cases of rape or attempted rapewere recorded in schools during the2017-2018 school year, up from 9,649 and 394 in 2015-2016.


In one case highlighted in the report, a creative writing teacher at a Florida high school beganabusing teenage girls in 2004, encouraging one to write sexually explicit material and coaxing her into performing oral sex on him. When school district officials were tipped off about multiple such cases,the teacher was transferredto another school in2011 with a glowing recommendation.


According to multiple lawsuits, the teacher molested at least three girls in the new school before he was finally arrested in 2016 when one victim went to the police. He was sentenced to 20 years in prison last March.


Former President Donald Trump’s administration implemented new reporting requirements in 2019, and ordered the department’s Office for Civil Rights to ensure that all reports of sexual abuse were investigated before a district could move an employee. According to the report,President Joe Biden’s administration has not yet implemented these changes.


The report called on the Biden administration to immediately begin enforcement of these measures, and urged Congress to pass a law that would require schools to inform parents of any “violent criminal activity, including sexual abuse, that occur on school grounds, on school transportation, and in school-sponsored activities.” States should also ban confidentiality agreements between unions and districts, and punish officials who fail to report abuse, it recommended.


report attached

Anonymous ID: 92ea6d June 5, 2023, 6:37 a.m. No.18955592   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5603 >>5808 >>5917 >>5997


Key Findings

� Federal data documents anepidemic of sexual abuse in public schools. Between 2010 and 2019, the number of complaints filed with the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) alleging sexual violence against K–12 schools more than tripled. The most recently published Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC)—from 97,632 schools— underscores this unfortunate trend. For 2015–16, the CRDC reported 9,649 incidents of sexual violence; of that number, 394 constituted instances of rape or attempted rape. For 2017–18, the numbers were 13,799 and 685, respectively—an increase of 43 percent and 74 percent.

� The latest CRDC dates from 2017–18, so parents, teachers, and students do not have timely, reliable, and publicly available data about sexual abuse in their schools. Compounding this problem are instances in which a local education agency (LEA), often acting in concert with the local teacher union leaders, conceals sexual abuse by permitting accused employees to resign and move to a new school or district rather than face investigation and possible punishment—a practice called “passing the trash.”

� LEAs and unions use collective bargaining and nondisclosure agreements to conceal the records of abusive employees, and union leaders wield their powerful influence in many state legislatures to stymie legislation that would hold public employees accountable for their sexual misconduct in schools.

� States should penalize public school employees who fail to report sexual abuse committed by colleagues; establish penalties for school district personnel who help employees find jobs in other school systems when they have “probable cause” to believe that these employees have engaged in sexual abuse; and prohibit agreements that conceal records of sexual misconduct by teachers.

� OCR must do more to enforce Title IX in public schools so as to protect students from sexual assault and other abuse, provide support to victims, and investigate abuse allegations fairly and in a timely manner.

� Congress should require LEAs to report and publish annually school-level data on the violent crimes, including sexual assault, occurring in their educational activities and programs. Congress should also mandate financial penalties for an LEA’s failure to Report this data

Anonymous ID: 92ea6d June 5, 2023, 7:25 a.m. No.18955749   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5765 >>5808 >>5834 >>5917 >>5997

Really informative video.

Scott Ritter:NATO's war on Russia has failedRedacted with Clayton Morris


Sanctions were supposed to destroy Russia, news flash, it has failed miserably! Money and construction pouring into Russia from all over the world. Russia has never been so economically healthy.


The running joke in Russia is, “Thank You Joe Biden!”

—Scott Ritter


Former U.N. weapons inspector Scott Ritter joins Redacted to talk about his month long trip to Russia and what he saw in the stores, streets, and among the people. What he saw is frankly SHOCKING. Moscow was hit with another round of drone strikes by NATO and Ukrainian forces. Russia just struck Ukraine's intelligence headquarters destroying


26:45 minutes

Anonymous ID: 92ea6d June 5, 2023, 7:32 a.m. No.18955778   🗄️.is 🔗kun

5 Jun, 2023 11:40

UK’s top spy mistakes parody Twitter account for real

MI6 chief Richard Moore failed to notice that Türkiye’s new Foreign Minister does not have a real Twitter profile


The head of the UK’s Foreign Intelligence Service, Richard Moore, has revealed that he does not pay much attention to profile descriptions on Twitter after he accidentally tagged a parody account of Türkiye’s new foreign minister, Hakan Fidan.


In a late Sunday Tweet, Moore sent out a congratulatory message to Fidan, wishing “my friend and former colleague good luck in his new position” as a minister in Erdogan’s new cabinet.


However, Moore seeminglyfailed to realize that his friend never had a Twitter accountand linked to a parody profile in the message, which was quickly pointed out to the top spy by dozens of netizens. They noted that the @hakanfidan_tr account even clearly states in its description in both Turkish and English that “it is not an official account” and that it is a “parody account.” The profile also lacks the blue verification checkmark.


A couple of hours after his initial tweet and after hundreds of comments, Moore followed up by admitting his gaffe, writing “Wow, that’s embarrassing! but even if the account is a parody, my best wishes come true!”


While many commenters found the situation amusing and commended the MI6 chief on quickly admitting to his mistake, others were concerned that the head of the UK’s foreign intelligence had trouble telling apart real and parody accounts on Twitter.


The UK is in grave danger if the head of MI6 can't even distinguish between fake and real Twitter accounts,” one user wrote.


Moore has been at the head of the Secret Intelligence Service since July 2020. Before that, he served as the British Ambassador to Türkiye, between 2014 and 2017. Throughout his career, he has also held various roles within MI6 as a national security adviser.


The spy chief’s misaddressed congratulations came after Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan unveiled the composition of his new cabinet of ministers on Saturday evening following the inauguration ceremony for his new term. He officially secured re-election last week in a runoff vote and entered his third term with support from 52.14% of the electorate, according to Türkiye’s Supreme Election Council.

Anonymous ID: 92ea6d June 5, 2023, 7:38 a.m. No.18955818   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5827

5 Jun, 2023 10:15

Türkiye to hike transit fee through strategic waterways

The cost of passage through the Bosphorus and Dardanelles is set to increase by more than 8%


The Turkish government has raised the fee for ships passing through the Bosphorus and Dardanelles straits, the newspaper Aydinlik reports, citing a ruling by the General Directorate of Maritime Affairs of the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure.


The key waterways are theonly way to move cargoes between the Black Sea and the Mediterranean.


The fee increase of 8.3% comes into effect on July 1, and is projected to bring Ankara’s annual revenue from the straits to $900 million.Commercial ships will now pay $4.42 per ton.


Under the 1936 Montreux Convention, Türkiye retains the right to charge lighthouse, rescue and medical fees from vessels passing through the Bosphorus and entering and leaving the Dardanelles.


In October, Ankara raised the transit fee through the straits five times, having abolished the currency exchange payment system that was fixed with a 75% discount in 1983.


At the time of signing the Montreux pact in 1936, the entire calculation was made based on the gold franc, which was equivalent to $0.80, whereas in October of last year, the franc’s value rose to $4.08.


Türkiye, in line with the international rights granted to it by the international convention, has increased the franc’s value, which is determined by the income it receives from the straits.


The Montreux Convention regulates maritime traffic through theTurkish straits and guarantees complete freedom of passage for all civilian vessels in times of peace. Ankara has a right to shut the narrow Bosphorus and Dardanelles to foreign warships during a conflict, and to merchant vessels from countries at war with Türkiye.

Anonymous ID: 92ea6d June 5, 2023, 7:42 a.m. No.18955834   🗄️.is 🔗kun


75,000 Ukrainians died in Bakhmut, 65,000 of them will NATO trained, (another 50,000 to 75,000 were injured a great number of them were injured seriously)


Col, MacGregor repeated that on the Judge Napolitano show

Anonymous ID: 92ea6d June 5, 2023, 7:53 a.m. No.18955890   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5917 >>5997

5 Jun, 2023 13:15

US panicking over Africa’s ties with Russia – Eritrean president

Isaias Afwerki says Washington sees Moscow as a threat to its global dominance, which is why it wants to weaken it through sanctions


Russia would have been able to mobilize support to end the US-led unipolar global order of “interference, demonization, and containment” if it had taken the necessary steps earlier, Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki has claimed.


The leader expressed his strong disapproval of the prevailing “law of the jungle” in an exclusive interview with RT.


“No one is happy with this state of affairs.These are states of unipolarization, using every weapon, tool to intimidate, sabotage and even contain everybody is not acceptable by anyone,” Afwerki said.


Eritrea has consistently opposed resolutions against Russia in four separate votes held at the UN General Assembly and the UN Human Rights Council. That includes rejecting a vote aimed at condemning Russia’s military operation in Ukraine.


When asked why his country did not back the UN resolution to blame Russia for its position on Ukraine, the president said Eritrea would not support the ideology of “hegemony” and repression.


We are in a situation where one group of hegemonistic forces, NATO led by Washington, has declared war against humanity and humanity has the right to defend itself. And Russia has the right to defend itself. We don’t accept any hegemonistic strategy or declaration that condemns Russia,” Afwerki insisted.


He argued that the conflict inUkraine is a scheme against Russia, with Washington aiming to weaken and sabotage Moscow’s development in every aspect using sanctions.


Reflecting on Eritrea’s own experiences, Afwerki recalled the nine years of sanctions imposed on his country, claiming that they were unjustified and based on fabricated “lies” from the US that Asmara was supporting terrorist organizations.


According to the leader, despite the economic, infrastructural, and environmental damage inflicted, the sanctions had taught valuable lessons. As a result, Eritrea is now more determined toforge partnerships with countries worldwideto break free from the cycle of sanctions and build a better future.


He said his government is seeking ways to expand bilateral relations with Russia that go “far beyond cooperation in transport” and extend to an integrated approach.


Speaking on the upcoming Russia-Africa summit scheduled for St. Petersburg in July, Afwerki believes that the gathering will be part of the dynamics forcharting a path and developing mechanisms towards ending Western dominance.


“We need to work together to create a new environment different from what we see now. Unipolar domination, containment, sabotage, sanctions, we need to get out of this circle,” he noted.


(PDJT had to be out of office to accomplish the US not being the policemen of the world. Why does the US have to support NATO at 4% of GDP, when it protects EU? Our goals under Bidan are being accomplished, and he will take the blame from DS.)

Anonymous ID: 92ea6d June 5, 2023, 7:57 a.m. No.18955907   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5928

Putin will NEVER let this happen, and NATO knows itRedacted with Natali and Clayton Morris


Ukraine wants a fast track to join NATO and is giving western leaders an ultimatum; now or never.Meanwhile Ukraine launched more attacks inside Russia, this time in the border town of Shebekino. At least two people were hurt in the shelling. The U.S. maintains that it generally does not support attacks inside of Russia. U.K. politicians say that Kiev should attack anywhere it pleases and a German spokesperson has said that attacks in Moscow are “legitimate.” And why are the javelin missiles that the U.S. sent to Ukraine showing up in the hands of Mexican gangs?? That is what the news in Mexico is reporting. We've been warned that Western weapons would end up on the black market!


almost two hours long

Anonymous ID: 92ea6d June 5, 2023, 8:18 a.m. No.18955998   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6012


Well I’m getting an education I had little understanding of in geopolitics and I get some from these videos and articles. So maybe these are important for anons that want a greater understanding of war or history of Russia, Ukraine or EU countries, and the world.


Hopefully they help anons, if not thats ok. Thx