both of you with cringey terms.
you can't taste fear
you can't feel the panic.
you are both just doing a psyop
both of you with cringey terms.
you can't taste fear
you can't feel the panic.
you are both just doing a psyop
wow, a common thing that some people have.
trying to create a new kind of descrimination?
what a bigot you are
no, I point out that you and your team do your professionally produced crap graphics and psyops and talk like groomers and creeps.
probably you're the fed, dude.
listen, I say 'filtered' because I know that creeps like yo will do the 'only blah blah blah say filtered'
it really bugs you doesn't it?
that's why.
because you are here to fuck with people's heads and anon are fed up.
more professionally produced crap graphics and a false diagnosis.
wow, what a doctor of the mind you are.
no, I respond in a way to get fools like you to waste your time so you can't continue with your 'I taste fear' creep speak and psyops that mess with people's heads.
you're easy.
after you talk about someone's mother you usually start in with death threats.
then you say 'SOOO sorrryyy'
or you post cringey stuff and say "I wuv you"
I' ve figured you people out and now you're still here doing all the same things, not learning, not growing, just being losers for a paycheck, betraying humanity so you can go buy blow and hookers.
but of course I don't really know that.
it's like you're doing a script.
there are not tears, creature.
All I do is draw out that you are not a normal person, or an anon.
I'm not angry, I'm just drawing out your creepiness so that display your antisocial nature.
you make it easy because you do all this 'creep-script' stuff.
same kind of nothing response.
more cringe graphics.
more insults.
not hte way that normal people behave.
gatekeepers here to humiliate anyone who dares to say "you people, who run this place, you're are not normal"
you can't stand the criticism so you haze anyone who posts any kind of comment or discussion about the fact that all this image spam, of the same crap, that's gone on here for years, is not organic.
you use images from old movie, nothing new, no growth, no evolution of content.
you're just a script, a waste of space, an annoyance. I point it out and it bothers you because? ?
well I can guess.
no, I'm not a shill.
I'm just putting a spot light on the issue here: the stagnation of the crew that badgers everyone here. they are comfy in their mean 'I can taste fear' creepiness.
the 'no it's you' method
lookit your creepy friends have annoyed everyone for months.
people are fed up.
you can't even take a little bit of heat.
you wilt with an attack that doesn't do anything.
why don't go after the 'we can taste fear' creepiness?
why don't you go after the creep grooming and all the name calling?
people attack anyone with a voice and they are harsh and savage in it.
and yet the one who is just describing it is the one who has to endure the hazing of you gatekeepers here.
you're showing once again that you do not care about the anon, but your team your psyop efforts.
I explain what I see.
you attack anyone who explains what they see.
so you stopped using the one word slur that you were using the other day?
did you enjoy your star trek data episodes?
good point.
you probably know nothing, they just assign you to go after anyone who desturbs their casting spells of creepy groomer phrasing.
good point, yo uprobably don't know anything, or even why you were set to target and badger me.
they just pass you the ID and you go to town.
making up stuff again.
you have nothing on me.
I just comment on what I see and you guys go nuts making up stuff and name calling.
but you don't go after the name callers. you go after the person who describes it.
I make obvious what you do to disrupt the users of the board, person who can't give it up.
you're assigned to me.
you could care less what say, yo don't.
you're just assigned to keep badgering.
what you say is nothing, your purpose is only to annoy.
why don't you?
oh, because you're only purpose is to badger and annoy.
see how quickly you come back to me.
you don't go after anyone else.
'that sounds . . . blah blah blah . . . and thats blah blah blah'
the make up stuff and tell them they are inadquate psyop.