Ground clowns ground into a fine slurry.
Deepstate and cabal loyal LEOs, Intel clowns, mil, mil brass,, are the passenger pigeon of the 21st century, eternally hunted and moribund.
Doomed morons whose every second on earth is a gift that will stop giving.
The only thing these idiot fucks should feel is bowel shaking fear.
The progressive cancer is to be systematically removed from all facets of human society.
Globalist elites will be torn asunder alive, in the dead of night by their own befouled offspring, an orgy of brutal retribution.
Deepstate clowns reading these words are powerless cowards, unable to stop their own undoing, emotionally brittle, spiritually vacant and fundamentally incapable of stopping anon from infiltrating and destroying the oldest and most important cult.
A homeless person is better off than a Deepstate clown or an elite shitbag.