Anonymous ID: 5c2dd6 June 6, 2023, 10:16 a.m. No.18961508   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1553 >>1928

5 Jun, 2023 22:11

Nikki Haley insists on WW3 if Ukraine loses

The Republican presidential candidate explained that theonly way to prevent war was to “send a message” by fighting one


Allowing Ukraine to lose to Russia on the battlefield will unleash world war, according to US Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley. The former South Carolina governor told a town hall audience in Iowa on Sunday that arming Kiev was all about “preventing war” by “sending a message” to America's rivals.


“When Ukraine wins, that sends a message to China with Taiwan, it sends a message to Iran that wants to build a bomb, it sends a message to North Korea testing ballistic missiles, it sends a message to Russia that it’s over.” (She’s literally insane!)


“It is in the best interests of America, it is in the bestinterests of our national security for Ukraine to win. We have to see this through, we have to finish it,” Haley declared. (How many American politicians launder stolen money through Ukraine?)


Regarding how the war might finish, Haley was less forthcoming. “It would end in a day if Russia would pull out," she suggested. “If Ukraine pulls out, then we’re all looking at world war.” To prevent that, she explained,Kiev needed weapons – lots of them.


“A win for Ukraine is a win for all of us, because tyrants tell us exactly what they’re gonna do,” Haley continued, claiming “Russia said Poland and the Baltics are next,” should Ukraine fall. “If that happens, we’re looking at a world war,” she repeated.


While much has been written about the possibility of a Russian invasion of Poland or the Baltic states, even most US experts admit these are unlikely. Invading any of those countries would trigger Article 5, NATO’s mutual-defense clause, turning a conflict many have described as a proxy war between Moscow and Brussels into a direct war between nuclear powers.


Haley has been quick to set herself apart on foreign policy matters from Republican frontrunner Donald Trump, who quipped earlier this year that it was the US, not Russia, that needed regime change, and from challenger Ron DeSantis, who downplayed the conflict in Ukraine as a “territorial dispute.”


During the town hall, she again scoffed at the notion of remaining neutral in the conflict, insisting “This is a war about freedom and it’s one we have to win.”(Can the American people disown Haley? She’s as embarrassing as Bidan!)


WhileHaleyserved as US ambassador to the United Nations under Trump, she made no secret of her interventionist leanings, evenannouncing an unexpected round of sanctions against Russiathat the White House then had to retract. She has urged the Biden administration to give in to Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky’s demands for F-16 fighter jets for months and impose even more sanctions, insisting Washington is too soft on Moscow.


(And she was our top diplomat at the UN? She sounds like Pompeo the other top diplomat! The DOS should be renamed the Dept of War and Foreign Coups!)

Anonymous ID: 5c2dd6 June 6, 2023, 10:21 a.m. No.18961531   🗄️.is 🔗kun

PN>>18960808 Gen. Mark Milley: "I think the accusations of woke are grossly over exaggerated" MP4


He also said leaving $85 billion in equipment in Afghanistan wasn’t a waste and he’s is so bright he didn’t even know there were family friendly drag shows on military bases! He obviously doesn’t see any news. I thought he retired this month.

Anonymous ID: 5c2dd6 June 6, 2023, 10:30 a.m. No.18961582   🗄️.is 🔗kun

PN>>18961398 Chelsea Clinton: ‘It’s Time To Force-Jab Every Unvaccinated Child in America’ (You First)


Hasn’t she ever heard of teeth whiteners?The genetic insanity from HRC is released now, i wonder if there is a forced vaccine for that

Anonymous ID: 5c2dd6 June 6, 2023, 10:36 a.m. No.18961613   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1992 >>2141 >>2198

Report: CIA Was Warned of Ukraine Plan to Sabotage Nord Stream Pipeline


Simon Kent6 Jun 2023


The Biden administration was forewarned through the CIA that the Ukraine military planned a covert attack on the undersea Nord Stream pipeline a full three months before the sabotage took place, a report Tuesday claims.


According to the Washington Post an elite six-man team of divers who reported directly to the commander in chief of the Ukrainian armed forces was responsible. They used a chartered yacht gained through fake passports and left a port in Germany before planting explosives that severed the pipelines.


The report, complied by Shane Harris and Souad Mekhennet, claims the intelligence information was widely shared within the White House and beyond. It states:


Details about the plan, which have not been previously reported, were collected by a European intelligence service and shared with the CIA in June 2022. They provide some of the most specific evidence to date linking the government of Ukraine to the eventual attack in the Baltic Sea, which U.S. and Western officials have called a brazen and dangerous act of sabotage on Europe’s energy infrastructure.


The European intelligence reporting was shared on the chat platform Discord, allegedly by Air National Guard member Jack Teixeira. The Washington Post obtained a copy from one of Teixeira’s online friends.


The Post story goes further to pinpoint more sources for the leak that set out how the Russia-to-Germany natural gas project was sabotaged by Ukraine.


It builds on claims made back in February that no evidence exists that Moscow was involved in the demise of the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines, as Breitbart London reported.


(Anything that comes out of CIA, NYTs, WAPO and London is to distract from the real culprit. I say both US and Ukraine did it, because planned it together, and Bidan & Nualand said they would)

Anonymous ID: 5c2dd6 June 6, 2023, 10:44 a.m. No.18961648   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1992 >>2141 >>2198

Florida Wins, Blocks Mayorkas’ Parole Gateway

Neil Munro5 Jun 2023

A three-judge federal appeals court in Georgia has rejected an administration request for permission to keep releasing illegal migrants into Americans’ society via the parole pathway.


The rejection is a win for Florida’s Attorney General — Ashley Moody — because it narrows the parole gateway that President Joe Biden’s pro-migration border chief is using to let poor economic migrants compete against Americans for jobs, housing, and school attention.


But the win will likely be appealed by the administration to the U.S. Supreme Court.


The three judges on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit declared:


The Department of Homeland Security1 (“DHS”) has filed a motion to stay two orders pending its appeal in this case: (1) the March 8, 2023, order that vacated DHS’s Policy on the Use of Parole Plus Alternatives to Detention to Decompress Border Locations (the “Parole+ATD policy”); and (2) the May 16, 2023, order enjoining DHS’s Parole with Conditions in Limited Circumstances Prior to the Issuance of a Charging Document memorandum (the “PWC policy”).


DHS therefore has failed to establish one of the two “most critical” factors …. we do not find a stay pending appeal to be warranted as to either of the district court’s orders.


The decision is good, said Andrew Arthur, a former immigration judge who now works with the Center for Immigration Studies. “They released 130,000 illegal migrants [via parole] in just the month of December … but [only] one last month” after Florida won its lower-court case in March, he told Breitbart News.


But the rejection is also a step closer to blocking the bigger asylum loophole — and other loopholes — that Mayorkas is creating as he tries to resettle millions of migrants into U.S. cities and towns, said Arthur.

Florida has also expanded its lawsuit by asking the judge to block other releases via parole — which likely would block the release of migrants who are trying to use the asylum loophole.


“The Florida Attorney General … is playing a game of Whac-a-Mole” with Mayorkas and his loophole-creating lawyers, Arthur said.


For example, Mayorkas and his deputies are already allowing job-seeking white-collar illegals to fly into the United States on B-1/B-2 visitor visas, they are preparing to resettle very many migrants via the president’s uncapped refugee program, and they are planning to welcome 100,000 left-behind children and wives of illegal migrants from Central America…

Anonymous ID: 5c2dd6 June 6, 2023, 11:02 a.m. No.18961719   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1992 >>2141 >>2198

Air Force Shells Out Huge Bonuses To Keep Pilots Amid Severe Personnel Shortage

Micaela BurrowJune 06, 2023 9:03 AM ET

The U.S. Air Force is issuing $50,000 bonuses to experienced pilots who opt to renew their contracts in the midst of a severe shortage of personnel to fill its highest-skill officer positions.


The program applies to certain pilots whose active duty commitment expires in 2023, bumping up the usual bonus they would receive for extending their Air Force careers from $35,000 to $50,000, according to an Air Force press release. Applications opened on Tuesday for the boosted Legacy Aviation Bonus Program to help the Air Force retain so-called “rated” officers as the force has struggled with a severe pilot shortage in recent years, according to


“Reliable personnel forecasts allow the Air Force to continue executing the warfighting mission,” Maj. Gen. Albert Miller, Air Force Training and Readiness director, said in the statement. “Our experienced aviators are uniquely qualified to succeed in a combat environment and these incentives are necessary to maintain that talent and competitiveness with our pacing challenge,” referring to China.


Remote piloted aircraft pilots, air battle managers and combat systems officers are eligible to apply through Sept. 15, according to the press release. However, pilots who have received a bonus through a previous contract agreement will not be able to negotiate and the extra bonus will not be offered next year.


Fiscal year 2023, which ends Sept. 31, “will be a transition year


In the last decade, the Air Force has fallen somewhere between 1,500 and 2,000 pilots short of requirements each year, reported. Recruiting numbers worsenedacross the military in 2022 amid what officials called the most difficult recruiting environment in decades.


“We do have a [pilot] shortage,” Secretary of the Air Force Frank Kendall said at a budget briefing in March, according to, adding that the Air Force is trying out several routes including bonuses to mitigate the problem. “We’re having to try to improve the efficiency of the pipeline to get more people in. The reserve and Guard equation is a little more complicated, but we do have some shortages there that we’re trying to address as well.”


Kendall separately said the service expects a 10% recruiting shortfall for active-duty airmen in 2023 at an Air and Space Force Association summit in March. The Guard and Reserve forces could see up to a 30% new recruit shortage, Air Force Recruiting Service Commander Maj. Gen. Ed Thomas told the outlet in May.


Other armed services are doubling down efforts to meet recruiting goals as it becomesincreasingly less certain the post-COVID challenges hampering their ability to attract new troops have abated.


The Army plans to expand its pre-boot camp training program, the original Future Soldier Preparatory Course (FSPC), in June and add a separate pilot program for new recruits whose ASVAB scores are even lower than the minimum to qualify for the FSPC, which was introduced in August, according to

Anonymous ID: 5c2dd6 June 6, 2023, 11:31 a.m. No.18961850   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1862 >>1992 >>2141 >>2198

CCP Had ‘God Credentials’ To Access User Data Collected By TikTok Parent Company, Ex-Exec Says



June 06, 2023


A former high-ranking employee of ByteDance, the parent company of video platform TikTok, alleged that agroup of members within the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) had special credentials to access U.S. user data, according to a legal filing, The Wall Street Journal reported.

Former executive Yu Yintao alleged that CCP committee members targeted Hong Kong civil rights activists and protesters in 2018, obtaining TikTok data containing network information,SIM card identification and IP addresses to track and identify them, according to the filing, the WSJ reported. Moreover, CCP members inside ByteDance had access to a “superuser” credential or “god credential” tosee every piece of information the company received, and had a “backdoor channel” to obtain U.S. user information.


These allegations arose as part of a recent submission in a wrongful termination lawsuit Yu filed in May in San Francisco Superior Court, according to the WSJ. Yu, a California resident, was head of engineering for ByteDance from August 2017 to November 2018 and was based at ByteDance’s Menlo Park, California, office and worked at the company’s Los Angeles and Beijing offices, according to the WSJ


“I have seen no evidence that the Chinese government has access to that data,” =•TikTok CEO Shou Zi Chew said in his March testimony==. “They have never asked us. We have not provided.”


Yu’s lawyer Charles Jung, a partner at law firm Nassiri & Jung, told the WSJ that Yu was inspired to reveal the allegations because he viewed Chew’s testimony as deceptive.


“My client is placing himself at risk by telling his story in court,” Jung said. “But the truth is powerful, and telling the truth is what’s needed to bring social change.”


“We plan to vigorously oppose what we believe are baseless claims and allegations in this complaint,” a ByteDance spokesperson told the Daily Caller News Foundation. “Mr. Yu worked for ByteDance Inc. for less than a year and his employment ended in July 2018. During his brief time at the company, he worked on an app called Flipagram, which was discontinued years ago for business reasons.”


“It’s curious that Mr. Yu has never raised these allegations in the five years since his employment for Flipagram was terminated in July 2018,” the spokesperson added. “His actions are clearly intended to garner media attention.”

Anonymous ID: 5c2dd6 June 6, 2023, 11:35 a.m. No.18961865   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yep he should, he hid Bidan laptop and Bidan Whistleblower of bribe. They have covered up everything bidan related for years including Clintons and Obamas

Anonymous ID: 5c2dd6 June 6, 2023, 11:46 a.m. No.18961902   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1910 >>1930 >>1935


Rigg:Rigg comes from the Scottish word for "ridge", as in the medieval "ridge and furrow" system of farming, or run rig land allocation. It may refer to:

• Fictional Characters

Officer Rigg, a character in the Saw film series

Rigg Sessamekesh, the protagonist of Orson Scott Card's novel Pathfinder



in British English

(rɪɡ IPA Pronunciation Guide )


a type of shark often used for meat


RIGG Meaning

What does RIGG mean as an abbreviation? 9 popular meanings of RIGG abbreviation:



RIGG Meaning







rabbit IgG




Rabbit immunoglobulin G




Rat IgG




Recombinant IgG

Molecular Biology, Biology, Medical



Recombinant Immunoglobulin G

Biochemistry, Medical



Römische Institut der Görres-Gesellschaft

Anonymous ID: 5c2dd6 June 6, 2023, 11:55 a.m. No.18961942   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1948 >>1957 >>1992 >>2141 >>2198


PDJT seems to be talking about this. Is it CURE time?




Nov 27 2022 20:06:20 (EST)

What is coded in your DNA?

Who put it there?


Mankind is repressed.

We will be repressed no more.

Information is knowledge.

Knowledge is power.

Information is power.

How do you protect your DNA?

There is a war for your DNA.

Protect your DNA.



Anonymous ID: 5c2dd6 June 6, 2023, 12:02 p.m. No.18961974   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Trump was hinting that he knows whats happening with our health.


What does resignations have to do with Pharma in Qs post below



Feb 7 2018 21:59:30 (EST)

Make sure the list of resignations remains updated.


When does big pharma make money?

Curing or containing?


Mind will be blown by chain of command.


Anonymous ID: 5c2dd6 June 6, 2023, 12:23 p.m. No.18962049   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2163


Trump’s going to name RFKjr to this commission. Gates is the one that told Trump shouldn’t be on the vax committee early on 2017


Bannon said RFKjr came to serve in Trump admin and he introduced him to Trump (on video this am about RFKjr) listen through the end.Watch Bannons comments from 5:55 minutes


Bannon: RFK. JR's Deconstruction of the Deep State. It’s all coming together!!!

Anonymous ID: 5c2dd6 June 6, 2023, 12:52 p.m. No.18962174   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I’ve never heard that name before. Why you? In their minds why not. I got a ton of shit this am, so everyone gets it. It’s really nothing …just another day in the coal mines

Anonymous ID: 5c2dd6 June 6, 2023, 12:55 p.m. No.18962185   🗄️.is 🔗kun


They are doing coups where ever they are independent countries. Trying color revolutions in Hungary, Serbia and a few others. Mostly if they are agnostic about Ukraine and Russia