anon wants to make Dark Clown Darker.
Reaches for Tiltshift. (which runs on Air)
Linux doesn't use Air, oh wait there's a work around, oh wait that doesn't work anymore.
Okay maybe my Virtual Machine has it like XP, oh wait we can't fucking get the photo TO XP because the ssh and every fucking TCPIP protocol has been updated with a claim of security to obscure the obsolescence and elimination undesirable hardware and 32 bit pains of the ass,
So lets see maybe win 7 has it, oh wait that motherfucker didn't get tiltshift installed either.
Used to be a simple matter of DRAG Drop to tiltshif in LinuxMint 18.
So we try other software. Doesn't have same settings.
Noticed a PAY website with tiltshift. isn't that nice.