Accidental Discovery of DNA in Pfizer and Moderna Vaccines Raises New Questions
Authorities denied that mRNA ‘vaccines’ could alter DNA, but a 2022 study of human liver cells showed Pfizer’s mRNA was expressed as DNA within six hours. Scientist Kevin McKernan, an expert in sequencing methods for DNA and RNA, examined Pfizer and Moderna Covid-19 bivalent vaccines and found a lot of DNA in the background. The discovery of the DNA in the mRNA shots appears to be problematic, even though the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and FDA allow 330 nanograms (0.033%) of DNA per milligram of RNA. McKernan’s analysis demonstrated DNA contamination of up to 35% in the Pfizer and Moderna bivalent injection samples, which is up to 1,000 times higher than deemed to be ‘acceptable’ by the regulating authorities. This disturbing discovery begs the question, does this DNA have the potential to become part of the genome of a human organism? If so, what are the consequences?