Anonymous ID: 555692 June 7, 2023, 12:25 p.m. No.18967597   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7626


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Military Arrests Jeff Sessions

By Michael Baxter -June 7, 2023311220


White Hats on Monday arrested former Attorney General Jeff Sessions on the charge of treason for furthering the long-debunked Russian collusion scandal and, more recently, advising Merrick Garland on which Proud Boys and Oath Keepers to target for visiting the Capitol on January 6.


Sessions is an infamous figure in Trump world. He was among Trump’s most vocal supporters before his appointment on February 19, 2017. In his confirmation hearings, Sessions stated under oath that he did not have contact with Russian officials during the 2016 presidential campaign and was unaware of any communication between Trump campaign members and Russian officials. As the collusion witch hunt kicked into gear, Sessions inexplicably recused himself from the investigation, essentially abandoning Trump.


When Trump fired Sessions on November 7, 2018, alternative media speculated that Sessions’ ouster was either part of Trump’s master plan (some claimed Trump secretly sent Sessions to GITMO to prosecute Deep Staters) or the dismissal of an actual Deep State plant. Afterward, President Trump said Sessions was “VERY weak and DISGRACEFUL.”


White Hats now believe the 76-year-old former attorney general and senator was and still is a Deep State operative. They say Sessions, lurking in the shadows, aided Merrick Garland in prosecuting innocent, patriotic Americans who visited the People’s House on January 6.


Our sources would not disclose their entirety of evidence but said JAG has voice conversations and digital data in which Sessions and Garland discussed arresting Stewart Rhoades, Enrique Tarrio, and 15 other Proud Boys and Oath Keepers. Sessions reportedly told Garland, “It doesn’t matter if they were there [at the Capitol], we have to charge them with seditious conspiracy. Get some to flip. Society is better with these lunatic Trump supporters in jail.” In another clip, Sessions confided in Garland that he despised Trump and planned to betray him. “It’s a shame I was forced to resign. I could have done much damage,” Sessions said in another clip.


Our source said that the betrayal of the Constitution and the President of the United States is treasonous.


JAG, however, debated whether apprehending and prosecuting a 76-year-old fossil with one foot in the grave was worth the time and expense. Vice Adm. Crandall noted that JAG and the Office of Military Commissions had tried persons older than Sessions, and he said Deep Staters must face justice irrespective of age. “If they’re breathing, they’re ours,” he told staff.


JAG investigators quietly nabbed Sessions at his Mobile, Alabama, residence on Monday morning. When shown a military arrest warrant, he quarreled with investigators, saying the military lacked the authority to arrest him. Investigators told him he could argue his point at a military tribunal and cuffed him.


Our source let slip that Sessions will go to GITMO, which means Adm. Crandall, who is in Guam, will delegate staff to affect the prosecution.



Anonymous ID: 555692 June 7, 2023, 1:13 p.m. No.18967821   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7866 >>7964





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“A” Antony Blinken Executed During Secret Visit to China

By Michael Baxter -June 6, 202362314546


“A” Antony Blinken was executed by the People’s Liberation Army during an unannounced visit to Beijing last week, but White Hats are uncertain whether the deceased is the authentic Blinken or a body double or clone, a Marine Corps Forces Cyberspace Command source told Real Raw News.


On Monday, Cyberspace Command intercepted correspondence between Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs Daniel Kritenbrink and Lloyd Austin detailing the circumstances of Blinken’s death.


Cyberspace Command learned that a State Department plane carrying Blinken, Kritenbrink, and an unknown number of Deep Staters requested permission to land at Beijing Capital International Airport at 15:13 UTC on June 3. The tower denied clearance to land, saying no flight plan had been filed and that Blinken had been banned from entering China.


In February, the regime canceled Blinken’s previously scheduled trip to China after a United States Air Force F-22 Raptor shot down an alleged Chinese spy balloon that had soared unimpeded from Alaska to the Atlantic Coast. Cyberspace Command said that’s partly fake news; the truth is Xi Jinping declared Blinken persona non grata and cautioned him to avoid China or face the consequences.


A schism has recently formed between the regime and Beijing. As reported last month, Xi Jinping called Biden a fake president, and Chinese Defense Minister Li Shangfu refused to meet Lloyd Austin last week at a defense summit in Singapore.


Apparently, Blinken ignored the warning, even as air traffic controllers at Beijing International Airport demanded his plane depart Chinese airspace. The pilot retorted that Blinken was on a mission of “international importance” and had to speak with Vice-Premier Ding Xuexiang to personally deliver a communique from Joseph Biden.


Meanwhile, two J-10 fighter aircraft intercepted Blinken’s plane. The fighter pilots, who spoke English, instructed Blinken’s aircraft to follow them to a final approach path for runway 18L, then land and await an escort.


Cyberspace Command does not know why the J-10s allowed the plane to land instead of shooting it down.


A bevy of military vehicles teeming with armed soldiers met Blinken’s plane on the runway. Only Blinken and Kritenbrink, under armed guard, were allowed to disembark. Blinken blew a fuse. He verbally accosted an unknown Chinese dignitary who, via an interpreter, said he had arranged for Vice-Premier Ding to meet with Blinken at an office in the airport terminal. Blinken lost his cool; he lambasted the dignitary for intercepting his plane, calling it a transparent act of aggression.


There was no sign of Vice-Premier Ding at the office, only three uniformed soldiers whose hands hovered near the sidearms on their hips.


“What is this?” Blinken reportedly blurted. “Where is Vice-Premier Ding Xuexiang? I am the Secreta—”


A bullet struck his face midsentence.


“You go home now and tell your people what happened here,” the dignitary told a shaken Kritenbrink. “You are not welcome here. We bring the body to the plane.”


Cyberspace Command said they have a tough time believing that the regime would send one of its most precious and beloved assets on a potentially hazardous assignment.


“Blinken is the Deep State,” our source said. “He’s a key figure in everything they do. We’d really like to look at that corpse. Until we do, we’ll run under the assumption it was a convincing body double or a clone.”


There was no mention of doppelgangers or clones in Krittenbrink’s conversation with Austin.