Biggs: At the direction of Secretary Mayorkas, DHS has released and continues to release tens of thousands of aliens every month through mass-parole, and now categorical parole. Is this a violation of law?
Bradbury: Yes, it violates INA Section 212, D5A.
Biggs: Secretary Mayorkas is also mass-paroling aliens he himself characterizes as refugees or asylum seekers, without demonstrating compelling reasons requiring that that particular alien may be admitted by parole rather than going through USRAP process for refugee admissions. Is that a violation of law?
Bradbury: Yes. It's a violation of INA Section 212, D5B.
Biggs: [Mayorkas] is not conducting adequate individualized vetting of the huge volume of mass-released aliens, there is no way of knowing how many of the millions of aliens Mayorkas has released in the US falls under the category of dangerous aliens. Is that a violation of law?
Bradbury: Yes. Of Section 212A.
Biggs: Secretary Mayorkas has instituted the CBP-1 pre-registration [app], trying to funnel these illegal migrants to the US Ports of Entry along our southern border. Is that a violation of law?
Bradbury: Yes. Of 212, of 235, and I would say of 207.