Red Flag: Alien spacecraft 'whistleblower' has never actually seen evidence of UFOs, and all of his sources are anonymous
First and foremost, there are obvious physical limitations of an alien species traveling to our world successfully from millions of light years away. To put it bluntly, it would require a scientific breakthrough that is not currently within the framework of our understanding of physics. Given this level of improbability, this is the one massive, glaring problem with any UFO story, and it should leave an enormous burden of proof on the individual or entity advancing any claims within this genre.
Second, to date, there has never been any public evidence revealed that demonstrates the existence of extraterrestrial life. While it would be unwise to rule out that possibly entirely, we must remain humble in recognizing our very small space in a massive universe.
Third, if you read carefully into the first reported story on Mr Grusch’s claims, which appeared in the UFO-friendly The Debrief website, a sharp investigative eye will take notice of a flagrant issue.
Grusch has never actually seen these supposed spacecraft first hand!
Grusch has admitted that he hasn’t even seen any photos of the evidence, let alone having been in the presence of these alleged objects.
Yes, his carefully crafted narrative is based on “extensive interviews with high-level intelligence officials, some of whom are directly involved with the program,” The Debrief reported. In short, he’s’ relying on other people. It’s a major, scorching hot, red flag for multiple reasons.
KEK. Didn't see this coming!!! /sarc/