Not for everyone
Were the wildfires along the west coast during POTUS Trump's administration making them fire their ammunition early? Imagine if the west coast was on fire along with Canada. They would have surely convinced everyone that climate change is real.
Too much fucking smoke. Those fucking arsonist bastards!
Dvorak layout. This one's Colemak.
It's why they accuse Anons of narcissism.
Nothin' much.
Papieren, bitte
You've yet to see them accuse someone of narcissism? They usually work it into who they're whining about somehow. I've definitely seen it before.
Maybe you missed it because of a filter. Who knows? When you say 'Anon' are you referring to yourself in the 3rd person or are you speaking for all Anons? Just curious. Asking for a friend.
Yesterday he did.
No one ever expects it.