07-3 ARTICLE FROM TM, NO. 3, 1969, pp. III.
Dear Editors! I am construction engineer A. Rafailyan and am writing you from the sunny state, Georgia. I lived in Tbilisi and have now M"J been listening for several years to various "oral" sources of stories about a certain A. Krivoroltov who somehow is successfully healing'patients by the "laying on-of hands." I also heard that this self-educated "magician" was in- vestigated by various specialistsin particular the inventors, Mr. and Mrs. Kirlian, and that somehow the secret of his "miracle-working" hands has been divine. Is this true or not? Couldn't you tell of this "healer" in greater detail? The mechanic, S. Kirlian, was working in one of the Krasnodar Hospital. One evening he was servicing a high-frequency current generator and noticed that the discharge between his palm and the generator electrode was not at all the same as that between his forearm and the same device. Was this accidental? It would be well to register (for example, photograph) this strange phenomenon. But how? Under bright illumination the discharges would simply become invisible. It was then that the inventor decided to do without a camera. And there on the table lay an insulatoran sheet, and on it there was an electrode consisting of a metal plate; a glass photographic plate lay on the electrode. Having stepped onto a rubber sheet and thereby in- sulating himself from the floor), Kirlian connected the second electrode to Approved For Release 200U%08~/~07 : , C~IA~-RDP~,00787R000500090007-3 Approved For Release 200OWM~ . 1 D787R000500090007-3 the back of his hand ("the biological object") and pressed his palm against the photoemulsion. "In case of energency" the inventor called a medical student and then threw the switch and connected himself into the high-frequency circuit. A sharp jolt! The frightened student opens the circuit, and the plate is devel- oped: a fuzzy picture is obtained, but the silhouette of the hand is clearly visible on it, and the white bones are traced out against the background of the fingers. However, this is not an X-ray but a photograph of a biological object in a field of RF currents. The first foggy photograph of an unknown world were just as fuzzy as conventional photographs which have been taken out of focus.
cont'd …