>boring fruitless Shithole.
>>>>so faggot faggot faggot KYS
>>>so faggot faggot faggotKYS taht faggot faggot faggotsKYS are self emulation ing
kebab rules
rump 47
ass 117
jew 2
FIB 31
7 wounds
all magic
all deez kulaks luuk teh sam
self roastin tendies
eternal gedouchin
edipus implosion
spoiled brat waz total bastard whole time
>>>spoiled brat waz total bastard whole time
>>robbed granny fo bitch too
>jus anotha ho
fajer edipus total bastard kike cuck granny robber has nuw bitch wife of twat fake
slut rides ass to foren kunt to birf total bastard
fajer edipus implosion
miracle bastard fajer edipus larps bootyhole for false idollars
royal bastard fill
royal bastard mad
grooming royal basTARD
royal bastard winnin silver
eternal gedouchin der berliner
>eternal gedouchin der berliner
>>eternal gedouchin der berliner
we might be able to sieze CANNEDduh by pooin in toilet memorial
boring fruitless Shithole
show U.S. on teh TP where tabernacle touched
plz recite TP touched tabernacle to homo court
"mah harry gasket farts hired faggots fo homo court"
faggot: "powdery bum stuff did it"