Anonymous ID: b8d6ac June 8, 2023, 8:22 p.m. No.18975543   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5554 >>5579 >>5587 >>5597

the BV do NOT delete posts by a person who has turret's syndrome and repeatedly calls people slur words in post after post after post.

and yet if you mention . . . .

they will delete you.


someone who badgers others in the bread is allowed to do it, and someone with an alternative (and revulsive) point of view is deleted.

why is one degenerate deleted and another let to go on with it?


the answer to that question?


is obvious?


BV are hypocrites.

If you delete one degenerate why do you allow another to continue?


the solution is NOT TO CENSOR

Anonymous ID: b8d6ac June 8, 2023, 8:57 p.m. No.18975698   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5716 >>5733

this is how pathetic it is in here now.

they can't take even a little bit of heat.

they have to do their board dominance bit, and play the petty tyrant.

they deleted my post.


and what did I say to offend anyone except point out their hypocracy in the way that the censor the board?

they allow bullies who use constant sluring.


image is the post that they deleted.

Anonymous ID: b8d6ac June 8, 2023, 9:11 p.m. No.18975765   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5775 >>5787


no, not me, I have no inclining to 'eliminate board personalities'

see why censorship is wrong? because you get punch drunk with power and project your delusions onto others.

Im the one saying that DO NOT CENSOR anyone if you are only going to censor some.

they allow horrid torret's syndrome slurs and do nothing, and that's a person who obviously is part of the crew.

and yet that person is never deleted or censored.

I never use slurs, and do not slander and say "DO NOT CENSOR" and I get censored for pointing it out.

ya, you got it all wrong, as you always do.

because you're lazy and look for the quick fix of censoring.


as I said else where : YOU ARE a disgrace.

Anonymous ID: b8d6ac June 8, 2023, 9:34 p.m. No.18975844   🗄️.is 🔗kun


you think I'm the one who is trying to 'do away with board personalities' you got that wrong.

If I got something wrong you can for give me, can't you?

my point is clear: the censoring is spurious and arbitrary and the ones doing it don't always get it right.

so it would be better if they didn't do it except for very clear purpose: CP and forbidden content.

that includes spamming, so that's what they do.

and you were posting stuff that you often post which is a kind of spam, so you would be deleted too.

anyway I'm not a shill, just someone pointing out the hypocracy of censors and censorship, as displayed on this board.

and if that makes you angry you should be, at yourself for supporting it and hassling me for pointing it out.

as for me, maybe I was a bit harsh saying you're a hypocrite and a disgrace.

but please reconsider your position.

just because somoene points out something obvious, that censorship makes the censors llook horrible when they do it arbitrarily, does not make me a shill, but an observer.

you have a nice night, anon.

and just because someone gives a bit of heat doesn't make them an enemy of the board.

nor a shill. Just someone who is seeing obvious hypocrisy and pointing it out.