Equality doesn't exist. Burn in hell nigger-lover.
Server lag.
You are not human, waste of space. You will find out who God favors more.
How the fuck am I supposed to commit my Jihad against Jews when I can't even talk about it on a freedom of speech board?
BO = Jew so makes sense.
I've already asked God to give me what I need no matter what suffering I have to experience for my mission to be successful. Get rekt Jews.
You first Jew.
Kike babycock sucker detected.
You wish I were part of some team. I am a 1 man army faggot.
Where is the in-fighting? We're calling out the babycocksucking Jews. Nice try Jew.
There is no point baking or even being here anymore. We know everything. The board is infested with Jews and shills. All that is required now is action. Everyone has had enough time to catch up and if you didn't by now then eat shit.