>>1897557 (lb)
Thank you for the 411. None of it's surprising.
>>1897557 (lb)
Thank you for the 411. None of it's surprising.
>>1897440 DeSantis joins call for Trump to indict Raul Castro
wonder what Left Limp Wrist thinks about this new development.
>>1897645 (pb)
Fascinating. Have had some experience dealing with termites & ants. Key to wiping them out is by silently poisoning their food. Make it really nutritious so they bring it back to the queen.
For ants, it's as easy as raw sugar & borax. Termites - oak chips & synthetic poison, tho Paul Staments has patented nontoxic (to us) fungi that eats them from the inside out, but ran into massive EPA roadblocks, so is not yet commercially available.
Could there be a corollary in the information/meme sphere?
Oh well…too bad, so sad. ;)
>terrestrially made radiotrophic mycoproteins
Very intriguing & practical area of research imho. Could be the most effective method of dealing with this Oppenheimer mess.
Heard someone very knowledgeable on topic say once : "We're just on 1st base in understanding the fungi world."
The term ‘radiotropism’ refers to the ability of several fungal species to harvest usable energy from forms of ionizing radiation, such as gamma radiation emitted from nuclear reactors [3].
Discovery of radiotrophic fungi came from the observation of ‘black molds’ growing in and around the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine [5].
The ability of these species to grow in such extreme environments, where they were exposed to a constant radiation dose that was 3 to 5 orders of magnitude higher than the normal background radioactivity [4], piqued the interest of scientists.
Spreading Mycelium thru Memespace to Sprout Mushrooms in Meatspace
Sidenote: 85 mentions of the word "attack" in the crumbs.