Anonymous ID: 7fe1d1 June 9, 2023, 4:36 p.m. No.18980020   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>18979758 /LB

>Would really like a win for morale purposes though.


We are seeing the 'winning' in real time, anon. The more WE WIN, the more they panic and do stupid things like, indict Trump on the same fucking day FBI was forced to deliver the 1023 on Biden…

Rejoice that God is moving his hand against all their nefarious plans to destroy us…know that by now, we were all supposed to have been in apocalyptic times, but God stopped them. Stopped them EVERY single time.

THEY are panicking, and unfortunately, Trump suffers for their panic, but it is only a temporary thing.

Anonymous ID: 7fe1d1 June 9, 2023, 5:22 p.m. No.18980287   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0350


Derek Johnson - If nothing matters, why are the Laws and Orders being extended? LOL


If nothing matters, why are the Laws and Orders being extended? LOL


How does reading current and active LAWS and ORDERS make someone a "Conspiracy Theorist?"


Conspiracy Theories are just that… Theories with no evidence or proof.


These Laws and Orders are not only on dot Gov and Mil sites… they're all being extended, enforced, applied, and upheld.

Anonymous ID: 7fe1d1 June 9, 2023, 5:38 p.m. No.18980380   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0416


Transvestigation is a conspiracy theory that claims many high-profile celebrities are secretly transgender. Believers in the transvestigation theory are known as Transvestigators and are known to post images, diagrams and videos online "transvestigating" celebrities, often by examining their physical attributes, to try and determining whether or not they're trans. The theory became increasingly popular online starting in 2014, when Joan Rivers joked that Michelle Obama is trans two months before her death, leading some conspiracy theorists to believe that she was killed because she revealed Michelle Obama's trans identity.


Big Mike Strikes Again?!! Michelle Obama Wears A Baphomet Dress? You Decide!!

Anonymous ID: 7fe1d1 June 9, 2023, 6:19 p.m. No.18980573   🗄️.is 🔗kun

So…I was just cruising all the search prophiles that came up under "michelle obama and baphomet" and stumbled onto this: Fatal Justice,

The Continuing Persecution of Dr. Jeffrey R. MacDonald


"At least seven (and possibly eight) members of a local 13-member satanic/drug cult, most of them high on drugs, had entered MacDonald's home sometime after 2:00 AM on Feb. 17, 1970 and murdered Colette and the two young children. The attackers may have inadvertently or intentionally allowed MacDonald to survive so that he could be blamed for the killings. One of the newer and youngest members of that satanic drug cult, 16 year old Helena Stoeckley, remorseful after the event, tried to help win MacDonald's vindication in later years by revealing a portion of what she knew, but the army's CID, the FBI, the Fayetteville Police Department, the prosecutor's office, and the judge in this case had very different ideas about what they were going to allow Helena Stoeckley to reveal before a jury. In May of 1982, Ted Gunderson and Fayetteville police detective Prince Beasley arranged for Helena to sit down in front of a film crew from 60 Minutes and reveal much (but not all) of what she knew about the murders and the events that transpired in the MacDonald home on that fateful night. Her filmed confession also revealed much about the official investigators and their motivations for framing MacDonald, who turned out to be the perfect patsy, in order to limit the scope of the investigation to MacDonald only and maintain the cover-up of a lucrative CIA drug pipeline running from Vietnam into military bases in the U.S using the body cavities of dead American soldiers being returned to America. The 60 Minutes interview was never aired


Helena, after giving birth to a baby boy in June, was found dead-nude from the waist down-on January 14, 1983. . Her baby, though dehydrated, was found alive and survived. About two weeks before the discovery of her body, Helena had placed frantic phone calls with both Ted Gunderson and Prince Beasley. She had been recently interviewed by the FBI and now, she reported, she could see two men in black suits were running surveillance on her every move, 24 hours a day, parked across from her apartment in Seneca, South Carolina. She told Beasley and Gunderson that she was scared and needed protection,. She told Prince Beasley that she was prepared to finally tell the whole story about the MacDonald murders- without demanding immunity for herself- and wanted to "blow the lid" off Fort Bragg. Ted Gunderson called Beasley and urged him to get down to Helena's place as fast as he could, but before Beasley could arrange to take the trip, local newspapers announced that Helena Stoeckley was found dead. The official autopsy said that Helena had died of pneumonia and sclerosis of the liver. Ted Gunderson is convinced that she was silenced using one of the many covert, untraceable assassination techniques known to government intel agencies.A satanist and CIA insider interviewed by Ted Gunderson identified January 13 as an important date for satanists. They consider January 13 the Satanic New Year, as January 13th is considered the thirteenth day of the 'thirteenth' month. The number 13 is an all important satanic number and is used repeatedly by satanic groups. For example, satanic covens are always composed of thirteen full fledged members.


On the night of the MacDonald killings, Jeffrey MacDonald was only aware of the presence of three males and one female in his living room where he was assaulted (and left unconscious), but Ted Gunderson believes that eight cult members had entered the MacDonald home that night: With information gathered from Helena Stoeckley, Prince Beaseley, and other sources, Ted believes that the cult members involved were: 1. Cult leader Francis Winterbourne (white, deceased), nicknamed "Wizzard", 2. Greg Mitchell (white, deceased), 3. Shelby Don Harris (white, living), 4. Allen Mazerolle (white, living), 5. Dwight Smith (black, living), nicknamed "Zig Zag", : 6. Bruce Fowler (status unknown), 7. Helena Stoeckley (white female, deceased), and 8. Cathy Perry (white female, living). Helena Stoeckley never implicated Cathy Perry as part of the group who entered MacDonald's home, but Perry herself admitted to the FBI that she was present at the murder scene. Ted Gunderson and Prince Beasley have speculated that Helena was fond of Cathy Perry and wanted to shield her from being implicated in the murders."


I don't know yet how this is connected, but will report back IF there is a connection.