Anonymous ID: 80b9c9 June 9, 2023, 5:35 p.m. No.18980365   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0426

>>18979512 pb

>When the Elephants get angry the Hyenas will run.

>Elephant Saves Injured Lion From Hyenas


kek my ass off…. anyone who thinks this is comms for the republicans rallying to save DJT from the DS, i got some land in central florida for sale.

Anonymous ID: 80b9c9 June 9, 2023, 5:47 p.m. No.18980434   🗄️.is 🔗kun


that "test" bullet argument is easily refuted, and has been.

A. the "magic bullet" is NOT pristine, it is seriously deformed, tho that pic does not show it, it is bent and one side is flattened.

B. the "magic bullet" allegedly passed thru JFK without hitting any bones.

C. extensive tests with ballistic gel show that slugs from the M-T like the one LHO allegedly used will tumble wildly after passing thru soft tissue.

D. the deformations seen on the "magic bullet" ARE consistent with it striking a wrist bone sideways (the bullet, not the bone).


when you're building a case to prove that the CIA orchestrated the assassination of JFK, the LAST thing you want to do is present an argument that can be refuted, because it weakens ALL of your evidence and ALL of your arguments by association.


STICK TO WHAT CANNOT BE DISMISSED. no one except the CIA could have organized the cover-up, from framing LHO to using JR to assassinate LHO before a trial that might have exposed evidence and brought forth witnesses to contradict the narrative.

Anonymous ID: 80b9c9 June 9, 2023, 5:55 p.m. No.18980459   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0481


trump's apartment in trump tower looks like you stepped into the king's palace in 18th century france. it's overwhelming.

only a total fuckwit would believe there are stacks of office boxes in a bathroom at mar-a-lago, not even in the gardener's shed.

Anonymous ID: 80b9c9 June 9, 2023, 6:32 p.m. No.18980620   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0648

ETS is going dark



Today, I shut down E Team for the safety of myself and its members. Efforts to coerce and hurt members had reached absurd degrees. And lives were endangered by the angry and hateful actions of spurned three letter agencies.


Collectively, we trounced your enemies designs.

We were able to fund Julian Assange's defense and awareness campaign together, and the fruit of that will continue for years to come.

I was able to teach you, and to impart so much knowledge to you in such a short time.


This was my honor.


We leaked their battle plans, advised the enemy of your enemy, and banded together a great army of activists across the globe.


Now though, I am met with an impasse where I must choose to first take care of myself before others. I am without a home, without family, and without anything. The enemies designs have, for months now, attempted to malign and destroy everything we built for years.

I will not give them that satisfaction.


I long ago made the choice to refuse the grift and refuse the nonsense, and I will keep that vow.


As my feet travel to parts unknown, unsure of what or where God will lead me to next, I have but one favor to ask of you.


Please, do not stop fighting.


As one lowly and imperfect ex intelligence official I gave this my all, quite literally until I could give no more. For years this consumed all I was until I had nothing left. But I regret none of it. The differences we have made will continue to shape a present and future and will continue to carry weight ahead in so many ways.

Thank you for the opportunity to serve at your feet loyally for so long. It was a blessing through and through.


E… if you need a safe house, you're welcome here. pretty sure you know how to find me.

Anonymous ID: 80b9c9 June 9, 2023, 6:45 p.m. No.18980658   🗄️.is 🔗kun

🇺🇸😂Save Private Biden


The neural network was asked to show the grandfather on Biden's punch cards, who would definitely not suffer from an accidental fall again.


The result will bring anyone to tears.


Vladimir Rogov