Anonymous ID: 61818d June 9, 2023, 7:13 p.m. No.18980777   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0876 >>1148 >>1330 >>1390 >>1447

Snowden weighs in on Trump’s classified docs indictment


The NSA whistleblower has called the charges against the former US president “selective prosecution”


Donald Trump’s alleged mishandling of state secrets is common behavior in Washington and typically goes unpunished, former NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden has argued in response to the former US president’s indictment.


“All kidding aside, it’s not wrong to say that the indictment of Donald Trump for mishandling classified documents is a case of selective prosecution,” Snowden said on Friday in a Twitter post. “Spilled secrets are very much the currency of Washington, and Trump was not alone in splashing them around. He was just the least graceful.”


Trump was charged with 37 felonies in a federal grand jury indictment that prosecutors unsealed on Friday. He’s accused of knowingly retaining classified documents after leaving office, conspiring to keep federal authorities from retrieving them and obstructing an investigation into their whereabouts.


Snowden marked the 10-year anniversary this week of his exposure of mass spying on US citizens by their government. He said Trump failed to fix the system that has now come back to haunt him.


“It’s hard to feel sorry for a man who had four years in the White House to reform that broken system and instead left it in place to the detriment of the American public. He is caught within the same gears his own hands once turned,” Snowden tweeted.


Some observers pointed out that Trump is being prosecuted under the same law – the Espionage Act – that Washington has wielded against Snowden and WikiLeaks co-founder Julian Assange. As president, Trump declined to issue pardons for both men, who were charged with crimes after exposing US government wrongdoing.


“Then said Jesus unto him, put up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword,” Snowden said, using a Bible verse to point out the irony of Trump’s latest legal predicament.


Snowden has railed against the US government’s abuse of secrecy since 2013, when he exposed the widespread NSA spying on American citizens. He was forced to seek refuge in Russia after Washington annulled his passport mid flight, eventually becoming a Russian citizen.


Asked on Friday what he’d do if he were the US president, he said, “I’d surely reduce the number of things we classify by more than 99% – and you would not find the remainder in my bathroom or behind my Corvette.”


Snowden’s quip alluded to allegations that Trump had classified records stored in a bathroom at his Florida resort, as well as revelations earlier this year that President Joe Biden improperly kept secret documents and stored them in multiple locations, including the garage at his home in Delaware.


Trump and his allies have argued that Biden weaponized the justice system to take out his top opponent in the 2024 presidential election, all while being excused for his own mishandling of state secrets. Trump also argued that he had the authority to declassify the records in his possession, unlike Biden, whose documents were acquired when he served as vice president. The former president blasted Jack Smith, the special counsel overseeing the indictment against him, as a “deranged lunatic” with a history of political bias.

Anonymous ID: 61818d June 9, 2023, 7:17 p.m. No.18980798   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1148 >>1330 >>1390 >>1447

Cultural Marxism Is Ravaging America: How “Systemic Racism” and the LGBQT Agenda Have Americans Pitted, Divided and Fighting Themselves So Enemies Don’t Have To


On 06 May 20, I wrote the article Making the Case for Treason and in that article, I delineated how the US was and continues to be in the midst of an asymmetrical, irregular and undeclared war with its primary geopolitical and hegemonic rival and adversary, China.


I proclaimed President Donald J. Trump to be a war time president under attack from within the internal US and externally in alignment and complete congruence with China’s national doctrine that included biowarfare as its stated and preferred doctrinal and primary warfare vector.


I’ve spent countless hours threading all of the variables and factors of this asymmetrical, irregular and undeclared war back to Chinese doctrine and my analysis of it.


What I wrote, which I sent to Tucker Carlson’s staff [explained in this article], exclusively stood alone at that time and yet it went ignored despite hearing back from them with confirmation that the matter had been moved up to Carlson’s personal staff and they would soon be in touch.


This Glenn Beck segment was problematic in the sense that it played like a recapitulation of the broader Moonshine body of work. Writ large, it was the same work I sent Carlson in May of 2020 only five months into the “pandemic” of enterprise fraud.


Later on 02 Mar 22, I bypassed the Fox interface and sent an appropriate introduction, content and article links directly to Carlson via via text message. It went to his personal cell phone. Carlson never replied to the unexpected text from someone he did not know.


It’s interesting, is it not? Had Carlson latched on to what I sent him, he’d have been years ahead of the MSM like Moonshine loyalists have been. But he didn’t. Why?


Carlson reviewed the material and ignored it or it never reached him despite promises to the contrary or Carlson’s personal staff [and the staff at Fox, the original interface] is compromised.


In part, it’s the same analysis and research that now serves my team led by Dr. Henry Ealy, sponsored by Oregon State Senators Dennis Linthicum [R] and Kim Thatcher [R] and litigated by Mr. Stephen Joncus. In early 2022, we filed a federal grand jury petition in the Ninth Circuit claiming and evidencing that COVID-19 is enterprise fraud.


The irony and interest arrives with Carlson’s recent explosive growth in popularity following his removal from the air by Fox and the subsequent legal wrangling that has ensued.


Why was Carlson booted? Wait for it… for telling the truth just like I sent him in May of 2020; just like Glenn Beck essentially read out on the air a year and a half later on Carlson’s show; just like it remains on-point to this very moment.


If he never received the information, he should have followed-up on the text. If he did receive it, he [his staff] should have followed-up on the information as promised. Neither happened and that’s problematic.


Without elaborating more, it distills down to the most prominent truth teller in the country once suppressing the truth himself whether that be wittingly or unwittingly.


I’ll close by saying that I admire, respect, appreciate and enjoy Carlson and his reporting but I’m disappointed in the rest of it as outlined.


Tucker Carlson has firmly entrenched himself as an iconic figure for his time and one as a truth teller who has clearly sewn himself into the cultural fabric of America.

Anonymous ID: 61818d June 9, 2023, 7:27 p.m. No.18980839   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1148 >>1330 >>1390 >>1447

Anti-Pharma Dem Ruben Gallego Took Thousands In Campaign Cash From Drug Companies


Democratic Arizona Rep. Ruben Gallego has accepted thousands of dollars in donations from individuals and political action committees (PACs) associated with major pharmaceutical companies and the healthcare industry despite frequently criticizing both, a Daily Caller review found.


Gallego, who is running for Senate against Independent Kyrsten Sinema, frequently blasts the former Democrat for her opposition to single-payer healthcare and perceived closeness with the pharmaceutical industry. However, Gallego’s campaign has accepted more than $30,000 from pharmaceutical company PACs since his first run for Congress, with the health sector providing the fourth-largest source of funds for his 2022 reelection bid.


Since his initial 2014 run for the House, Gallego has accepted $31,500 from political action committees associated with pharmaceutical companies. Notably, he took cash from Bristol Myers Squibb and Eli Lilly, two firms that congressional Democrats have accused of price-gouging. At the same time, however, Gallego blasted Sinema for initially opposing a price-fixing scheme that Democrats fought to include in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.


“Kyrsten Sinema blocked key provisions for negotiating the cost of prescription drugs in the Inflation Reduction Act. Sinema’s support for Big Pharma over seniors on a fixed income makes her unfit to lead Arizona,” Gallego tweeted in April.


“Senator Sinema is calling herself an ‘independent’ now. Well she’s not independent from Wall St, Big Pharma, or their pricey lobbyists,” he claimed after she left the Democratic Party.


The Gallego campaign did not respond to the Daily Caller’s request for comment on whether or not he would return any campaign donations from pharmaceutical companies or employees. He also accepted more than $85,000 from individuals employed in the health sector during the 2022 election cycle, according to OpenSecrets.


Despite running as a left-wing populist alternative to the centrist Sinema, Gallego’s Senate campaign has accepted cash from industries that he often criticizes. During the first quarter of 2023, he accepted more than $106,000 from employees of big banks and other major corporations. Gallego raised more money from lawyers than any other profession during Q1 of 2023.


Overall, Gallego raised more than $3.7 million in Q1 of 2023, and has more than $2.7 million on hand. Sinema raised $2.1 million in Q1 of 2023, and has more than $9.9 million on hand.


A series of surveys conducted by Public Policy Polling in April found Gallego leading a series of contests with Sinema and potential Republican candidates. In a matchup with former Republican gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake, Gallego would garner 42%, Lake 35%, and Sinema 14%. Against Pinal County sheriff Mark Lamb or businessman Jim Lamon, Gallego would similarly hold 43% support, while Sinema would gather 15% and 16% respectively.

Anonymous ID: 61818d June 9, 2023, 7:30 p.m. No.18980848   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1148 >>1330 >>1390 >>1447

Baltimore's Top Cop Abruptly Steps Down, Leaves Crime-Fighting Plan In Limbo


Baltimore Police Commissioner Michael Harrison stepped down this week as the progressive-run city struggles with homicides, a drug crisis, and a troubling rise in violence involving teenagers.


"I have been truly blessed to serve this city of Baltimore… and this opportunity to serve as your police commissioner is one that I will always cherish," Harrison said Thursday at a news conference.


Harrison's abrupt exit as Baltimore's top cop marks the 11th change in leadership since 2000. He was the longest-serving police commissioner in the metro in more than two decades. After nearly three decades in the New Orleans Police Department, he joined the Baltimore Police Department in 2019.


Harrison told local news WBAL TV in an interview in April that progress in making reforms and rebuilding community trust has been seen over the four years:


"We're totally different than we were four years ago, but we've made all these improvements. Let me be the first to say we have a long way to go," he said.


The only difference Baltimore City has seen in the last four years is that it descended quicker into a hellhole of shootings, homicides, and other violent crimes as teenagers run amuck. Troubled youth has become so bad that the city's Democrat mayor, Brandon Scott, has placed a curfew on teens this summer.


Baltimore's top cop had more than 1.5 years left on his contract. An abrupt exit is a sign the crime-fighting plan by the police department and the mayor might be failing to reduce crime.

Anonymous ID: 61818d June 9, 2023, 7:34 p.m. No.18980866   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0882 >>0890 >>0903 >>0909 >>1148 >>1330 >>1390 >>1447

MSNBC Host Rachel Maddow Joins Geraldo – Suggests DOJ Should Offer Trump Plea Deal That Prevents Him From Running in 2024


MSNBC Host Rachel Maddow unknowingly confirmed what President Trump has been saying for the last several years and that is the DOJ’s constant investigations against him are just another way to stop him from running for office.


Maddow during a recent airing of The Last Word asked MSNBC anchor Lawrence O’Donnell if the DOJ will consider a plea deal that prevents Trump from running for office again.


O’Donnell responded to Maddow’s question by saying “I imagine if anything like that happened it would have to come from the defense side of the negotiation.”


He continued “Otherwise it would put the Justice Department in this position that Donald Trump claims they are in.”


Newsmax host Rob Schmitt and investigative journalist Glenn Greenwald both pointed out Maddow said the quiet part out loud.