Anonymous ID: 9d7589 June 10, 2023, 1:11 a.m. No.18981894   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1913 >>2033 >>2185


Q1331, 1381 & 1383 all refer to the same EO. what if it has something to do with [DECLAS]?




signed by Mark Meadows, Jim Jordan, andRon DeSantis


To complete our independent oversight and investigative duties, we must obtain all documents responsive to previous requests by Congress. This includes the documents related topotential abuses of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act;documents related to the FBI and broader Department of Justice'sinitial investigation into the Trump campaign prior to the appointment of the Special Counsel; and theunredacted August 2017 memowritten by Deputy Attorney General Rosensteinthat articulated the scope of the Special Counsel's jurisdiction


Anonymous ID: 9d7589 June 10, 2023, 2:06 a.m. No.18981971   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1994 >>2033 >>2185


>Lois Lerner and the IRS Scandal


Ends up Lois Lerner was e-mailing her husband with the conservative knock

By Josh Hicks

August 1, 2014 at 4:41 p.m. EDT


Republicans this week released e-mails showing that former Internal Revenue Service official Lois Lerner expressed scorn for conservatives in an e-mail to an unidentified recipient — the name was redacted. Lerner’s remarks would be troubling if she sent them to another IRS official, but it ends up that she was communicating with her husband, Michael Miles, according to unredacted copies of the exchange that Democrats leaked on Friday.


To review, Lerner used the term “__hole” to describe extreme conservatives after Miles complained about “the whacko wing of the GOP,” adding that “right wing radio shows are scary to listen to.”

This goes back to our point in an earlier article that federal employees are not prohibited from having political views or expressing them in private conversations. They just can’t promote candidates at work oruse their positions to influence elections.


Republicans may be right that Lerner used her authority as head of the IRS’s tax-exemption division in an attempt to silence conservatives, but they need to find direct evidence of such a conspiracy to prove their suspicions. So far, they only have circumstantial evidence.



same bias, same agenda, same corrupt President in charge → HUSSEIN