Anonymous ID: 37f51c June 10, 2023, 8:42 a.m. No.18983121   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3124 >>3131 >>3147



Woke Marvel Eliminates The Punisher Due To "Problematic" Conservative Fan Base

'' A year ago progressive news outlets were calling the idea of the culture war a “right-wing conspiracy theory” that had no basis in reality. Yet, the injection of far-left politics into entertainment media had already started years previously, with noticeable propaganda efforts in movies, streaming television, children's shows, and books, even commercial advertising was replete with progressive ideological imagery by 2016 onward. ''


The goal is relatively obvious – To erase competing ideals and viewpoints while saturating the market with only one political vision; a woke vision. It's called social engineering, and anyone who claims this is not happening in the US today is gaslighting.


Strangely, the American comic book industry has become a major battleground in the culture war, with heroic symbols being increasingly erased or hijacked as vehicles for woke talking points. A vast array of comic book characters are now race-swapped, converted to LGBT, or have had their histories rewritten to make them more “acceptable for modern audiences.” At the same time, they promote everything from BLM to climate change propaganda, to gender identity politics and anti-gun messaging.


Why would leftists target something as frivolous as comic book heroes?

Because pop culture is first and foremost a playground where children grow up, and by rewriting heroes as social justice crusaders and communists they hope to indoctrinate the next generation.


However, one hero figure, in particular, is seen as so egregious and so triggering that leftists want him memory-holed altogether – The Punisher.


''The Punisher character (Frank Castle), originally created by writer Gerry Conway in 1974 with artists Ross Andru and John Romita, was a product of a chaotic era; a reaction to the rise of war, stagflation, instability, and exploding crime rates in the US. The Punisher's story is a tragedy of a returning military veteran whose family is killed during what seems to be a gangland hit. With federal agencies doing little to arrest the perpetrators, Castle takes matters into his own hands and begins systematically assassinating the criminals. ''


The concept of citizen crime-stopping and vigilantism was becoming popular in the cultural zeitgeist in the 70s, with many people living in metropolitan areas dealing with increasing criminal violence and unreliable government protection. City governments in places like New York were actively restricting gun rights for law-abiding people, which only made things easier for criminals.


The same exact conditions are returning to the US today, and debate is boiling once again on vigilantes (just look at the media fury over Kyle Rittenhouse or Daniel Penny). The mainstream left is adamantly opposed to any form of civilian intervention (unless it's Antifa or BLM), while also being adamantly opposed to any intervention by police. In other words, they want to let criminals run wild and then threaten to prosecute anyone who dares to do anything about it.



Anonymous ID: 37f51c June 10, 2023, 8:45 a.m. No.18983131   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3144




'' The Punisher as an icon has been highly popular among conservatives, military veterans, and law enforcement officers in recent years. The trademark skull symbol can be found everywhere, with patches, gear, and flags sporting the image, often as a representation of citizens taking matters into their own hands. The symbol was also seen at the January 6th protests. ''


This has made leftists at Marvel Comics livid. They first attempted to make fundamental changes to the character, including a redesign of his popular skull symbol, as well as taking away his guns and giving him swords in 2021. Instead of fighting against criminal organizations, Frank Castle joins with one, violating his fundamental code of ethics.


This month, though, Marvel officially declared the Punisher persona non grata, eliminating the character as readers know him. Did he go out in a blaze of glory? No, in typical woke fashion Frank Castle is captured by progressive heroes, chained up, and forced to go through a struggle session in which he is admonished as a murderer and a terrorist. Marvel even brings the Punisher's wife back from the dead, only so that she can divorce him and take his money and property, and then inform him that his lifelong crusade against the criminal underworld was all for nothing.


'' The character then “dies” from apparent suicide but the story is left open to his return, just not as the gun-toting hero people know and love. ''


Marvel writers, including original Punisher creator Gerry Conway, specifically cite the popularity of the character among conservatives as the reason for his virtual elimination. As Newsweek noted, the Punisher was “problematic” for Marvel because conservatives liked him too much. He represents the every-man: He has no superpowers, and he's not a billionaire like Batman, but he still fights evil with an immovable will and a lot of guns.


The co-option and erasure of popular heroes (or anti-heroes) are representatives of the disturbing politicization of our times. Much like the Cultural Revolution in China, leftist movements in America are systematically tearing down all opposing beliefs from our cultural catalog, and this includes any positive representations of vigilantism. They openly admit why they are doing it; conservatives aren't allowed to be the good guys. They aren't allowed to have heroes. Meaning, if the Punisher was a leftist icon, Marvel would have no problem with him.



Anonymous ID: 37f51c June 10, 2023, 9:10 a.m. No.18983225   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3236 >>3237

Trump shouldn’t be president again.





160,937 votes


6 hours left

6:15 PM · Jun 9, 2023




Anonymous ID: 37f51c June 10, 2023, 11:01 a.m. No.18983656   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3662 >>3670


Harvard and the Making of the Unabomber

A series of purposely brutalizing psychological experiments may have confirmed Theodore Kaczynski’s still-forming belief in the evil of science while he was in college.

By Alston Chase


The Harvard Experiment that Led to the Unabomber

Ted Kaczynski, better known as the Unabomber, was once part of a Harvard experiment on psychological control subsidized by the CIA and known in turn as MK Ultra. Some say he has one of the most brilliant minds. However, he sent 16 homemade bombs to protest against technological progress between 1976 and 1995.


U.S. Government Mind Control Experiments

Hypnosis, LSD, and the Unabomber.

Posted April 26, 2020 | Reviewed by Jessica Schrader

Project MKULTRA was the Central Intelligence Agency’s (CIA) mind control program that used LSD and hypnosis techniques to brainwash individuals. Theodore Kaczynski, also known as the Unabomber, was a participant in one of Henry Murray’s experiments at Harvard where Murray’s team bullied, harassed, and psychologically broke down participants. Henry Murray had previously worked for the CIA’s predecessor and may have been funded by the clandestine MKULTRA program.

Anonymous ID: 37f51c June 10, 2023, 11:20 a.m. No.18983733   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Jun 10 2018 22:11:35 (EST)

SING_CLAS_P_L1.png ⤓



Start the Clock.

A Week to [Remember].

Think Logically.

First private [CLAS-5(6)]

Second public.

Blackwater on GUARD.

Evidence KILLS.

These people are STUPID.


Anonymous ID: 37f51c June 10, 2023, 11:33 a.m. No.18983790   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3801 >>3809

Trump Indictment Fails Crucial Test: Dershowitz

June 10, 2023

US News

Attorney Alan Dershowitz talks to reporters at the U.S. Capitol in Washington on Jan. 29, 2020. (Mario Tama/Getty Images)


''The federal indictment against former President Donald Trump fails a crucial test, law professor Alan Dershowitz says.''


“It doesn’t meet what I call the Richard Nixon standard, which was a very clear obstruction of justice, destroying evidence, paying bribes,” Dershowitz, a professor emeritus at Harvard Law School, said on Newsmax on June 9 after the indictment was unsealed.


“This is too close a case to bring against the man running for president, against the incumbent president,” Dershowitz added.


Two paragraphs in the indictment do appear to meet the standard of the planned prosecution of former President Nixon, according to the law professor.


‘Highly Confidential’ Plan

Those paragraphs refer to Trump allegedly showing an unidentified writer, publisher, and staff members a “highly confidential” plan to attack a country.


U.S. General Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, was quoted in a news story on July 15, 2021, as fighting to stop Trump from ordering an attack on Iran.


Six days later, Trump showed the writer and publisher what he described as a “plan of attack” from the same general.


“Isn’t this amazing? This totally wins my case, except it is like, highly confidential,” Trump is quoted as saying in the indictment.


“As president, I could have declassified it. Now I can’t but this is still a secret,” he was also quoted as saying.


The indictment charges Trump with various crimes, including illegally disclosing national defense information.


‘Will Have to Be Explained’

“We’re going to have to hear an exception from Trump’s lawyers or from Trump as to how we can justify having shown to somebody who doesn’t have security clearance allegedly some information about a plan to attack Iran,” Dershowitz said on Newsmax.


None of the people shown the document held a security clearance, U.S. authorities say.


Trump “may claim he didn’t show it to them, just kind of waved it in front of them as part of bragging but that’s something that will have to be explained,” Dershowitz said. “When you have a tape in the voice of the defendant himself it’s hard to dispute, so I think this is a serious indictment on these two charges. Everything else I think was exactly what we expected,” he also said.


Trump said after the indictment was released that he is innocent and accused the government of corruption. He shared posts on social media noting that a number of top officials possessed classified information, such as former President Bill Clinton, but were not charged.


‘One Set of Laws’

Special counsel Jack Smith, whose presented charges against Trump were approved by a grand jury, said in prepared remarks from Washington that “Our laws that protect national defense information are critical to the safety and security of the United States and they must be enforced” and “violations of those laws put our country at risk.”


He added, “We have one set of laws in this country, and they apply to everyone.”


Trump has said that he declassified documents before leaving office. Presidents have the power of declassification.


Dershowitz, who represented Trump during one of his impeachment trials, said in an op-ed that one question is whether Trump actually declassified the documents.


“If he claims he did, it will be up to the government to challenge that assertion. It could do so in several ways. It could offer evidence designed to disprove Mr. Trump’s claim. But proving a negative—in this case, that he did not declassify the documents—is always difficult,” Dershowitz wrote.


“In the usual criminal prosecution, the government has the heavy burden of proving every element of the crime beyond a reasonable doubt,” he added later.


Smith said the indictment outlined serious crimes but also noted that Trump and an aide who was charged “must be presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.”