Anonymous ID: 580a1f June 25, 2018, 9:24 a.m. No.1899084   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9154
  1. Wikileaks says Q started as a larp and posts about iran regime change.


1a. Normies look up who Q is and become introduced

1b. Other readers and acquaintances discuss online and bring eyes to other readers


  1. By accusing Q of being a larp and at the same time bringing publicity to unheard ears, the movement grows. It NEVER decreases. Once you know,… you know


3.When the time comes, you know the traitors will bring lawsuits against Trump for colluding with wikileaks during the Q ops.


By creating a fake public battle between 2 "colluding" team members, they have plausible deniability in a court room. While at the same time growing the movement. It follows the lines of "no publicity is bad publicity"