Q level intel
Dave Hodges yesterday 2nd hour.
Paul Preston reports
6-8 months: California out of money, econ crash.
John Cox next gov.
Sessions actions
Next few weeks
Setup for muller and comey et all
Goodlatte forces hand
Manafort and Cohen
manafort bail revokeked for working with the russians in ukraine
Reason in jail
brennan took CIA
first task overthrow ukraine govt that support putin
Install actual nazis from germany
Selling missile Components to NK
Soviet stock cold war missles
Same motors we use.
Sold to Kim Il Jong
NK Nazi Controlled in collusion with Brennan Obama Clapper Comey
All involved.
First of kind Coup to bring US down fully.
Follow Scott Bennett. Central player
Scott Bennett IG report Shell Game (Book)
Putin checked up on Bennett. Bombs isis
Scott bennett exposed turkey isis oil brokerage.
Turkey Islamic Callifate (sp)
Scott bennett
Dick Black Virginia senator
Arrested by holder
Berkenfeld (Sp?)
Black knows: Obama / hrc funding isis
McCabe calls Black to meet several isis members, pictures to ruin campaign
Intent black to lose to McBabe's wife in senate race.
Funded by Terry McCullafe.
750K from CF
McCabe FBI Facilitated.