Anonymous ID: 4ed749 June 10, 2023, 5:41 p.m. No.18985594   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5607


queer = marxist


Queer Theory Is Queer Marxism

hanks to Drag Queen Story Hour, groomer schools, and all other things sex, gender, and sexuality pushed by today's out-of-control Woke Marxist Left, Queer Theory has been pushed front and center in the public consciousness, but what is it? Simply put, Queer Theory is Queer Marxism, which is a Marxist Theory about a form of sociocultural "property" called "normalcy," "normality," or "normativity," that it believes to have been unjustly created and in need of destruction and total abolition. As such, it's incredibly dangerous and destructive, particularly on the formative and impressionable psychologies of children, whom it targets in particular, often directly through our schools and children's entertainment programming. On this episode of New Discourses Bullets, host James Lindsay breaks down what Queer Theory is, partly in its own foundational words, and illustrates succinctly why it is a form of Queer Marxism that must be stopped. Join him to learn about this important and timely topic!


James Lindsay has a whole series of YT vids, some are in Covid and Beyond thread w/notes.

Anonymous ID: 4ed749 June 10, 2023, 5:53 p.m. No.18985681   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5742 >>5784

>>18982347 pb

>Why do we never see women dressed as men demanding to dance in front of kids?


Because it is MEN who have autogynephilia.



Autogynephilia is defined as a male's propensity to be sexually aroused by the thought or image of himself as female.

Lawrence, A. A. (2004). Autogynephilia: A paraphilic model of gender identity disorder. Journal of Gay & Lesbian Psychotherapy, 8(1-2), 69–87.

Autogynephilia is "a male's propensity to be attracted to the thought or image of himself as a woman" (Blanchard 2005). One common manifestation of autogynephilia is fetishistic cross-dressing, which is an extremely common antecedent to seeking sex reassignment among nonhomosexual (but not

homosexual) transsexuals (Blanchard, Clemmensen, and Steiner 1987).



When most people think of “transwomen” they imagine those very sympathetic, effeminate homosexual males who fully transition and can “pass” for women – this is who they imagine will be using women’s toilets and safe spaces and it is easy to sympathize. It is much harder to sympathize when one realizes that a huge proportion of “transwomen” are heterosexual males with a sexual fetish, and their motivation to enter women’s spaces is not safety but arousal.

'''Trans-activists refuse to acknowledge the existence of autogynephiles and instead push the narrative of the “vulnerable trans woman” who just wants to pee.

Yet back in 1987, when Dr. Blanchard did his research and looked at the relative numbers of androphilic and autogynephilic males, the autogynephilic cases were already the majority at 60% and this rose to 75% by 2010.

So the majority of trans-identified males are autogynephiles.'''


It is important to understand the role that autogynephilia plays in trans-activism, for it is a prime motivator for their desire to penetrate into women’s spaces while masquerading as a human rights movement.Autogynephilia is the Trojan horse of trans-ideology.


This isn’t to say that autogynephiles do not have a right to their sexual interests if they aren’t harming anyone, but they have no right to compel participation of women in their sexual fantasy.


It is not the job of women to facilitate the sexual fetish of autogynephiles.



So why do Drag Queens want to dance in front of children? Because they are sexually aroused by impersonating women.


